Special Guests

Israel on the Brink (Guest: Robert Davi)

Terrorists Ramping up Deadly Threats and Targeting Israel for More War

In the movie Die Hard, actor Robert Davi, the renowned actor best known as the gritty FBI agent, mistook Bruce Willis for a terrorist. Today, he insists there is no mistaking Hamas and Hezbollah. They are terrorist organizations that seek the annihilation of Israel. Even now, airlines are cancelling flights into the country because of the quickly escalating conditions.

The Israel Children’s Fund, founded by David Rubin, supports victims of terrorism. It is also an organization that Davi Supports. “No one should have to suffer the evils of terrorism,” Davi says, “and this organization was founded by such a man who, along with his son, were injured in a terrorist attack.”

Davi’s perspective on Israel is informed by his deep understanding of the region’s precarious security situation. He asserts that Israel, a beacon of democracy and stability in the Middle East, is currently navigating a perilous landscape fraught with existential threats from radical groups dedicated to its destruction. Hamas, entrenched in Gaza, and Hezbollah, operating out of Lebanon, both represent clear and present dangers. These organizations, with their well-documented history of violence and extremism, pose significant threats not only to Israel but to regional stability and global security.

“The stakes couldn’t be higher,” Davi emphasizes. “Israel faces an adversary that seeks nothing less than its annihilation. The recent escalation in violence, with Hezbollah preparing for potential attacks and Hamas continuing its campaign of terror, underscores the urgency of the situation. These are not just political conflicts; they are battles for survival.”

Davi draws a stark contrast between Israel’s commitment to defending its citizens and the destructive agendas of these terrorist groups. He stresses that while Israel strives for peace and security, its adversaries remain bent on perpetuating violence and chaos. “In every conflict, there are those who seek peace and those who thrive on destruction. Israel stands firmly in the former camp, yet it is surrounded by entities that would see it erased from the map.”

He urges supporters worldwide to stand with Israel and recognize the broader implications of the threats it faces. “Supporting Israel is not just about backing a nation; it’s about standing against terrorism and extremism. The struggles of Israel are emblematic of the fight against global terrorism. When we stand with Israel, we affirm our commitment to democratic values and human rights.”

In these critical times, Robert Davi’s voice serves as a powerful reminder of the need for solidarity with Israel as it confronts its adversaries. His call to action is a clarion call for global unity in the face of terrorism and a testament to the enduring importance of standing up for justice and peace.
1.) What inspired you to speak out about the current threats facing Israel, and how does your background influence your perspective on the situation?
2.) Given your portrayal of intense, driven characters in films, how do you view the real-life stakes Israel is facing compared to the fictional conflicts you’ve portrayed on screen?
3.) Can you elaborate on the specific dangers posed by Hamas and Hezbollah to Israel, and why you believe these threats are so critical right now?
4.) How do you perceive the international community’s response to the terrorist threats against Israel? Are there any specific actions you think should be taken?
5.) What role do you think media coverage plays in shaping global perceptions of Israel’s security situation, and how can it be improved?
6.) In what ways do you think the conflict in Israel impacts global security and stability beyond the immediate region?
7.) How do you suggest people and nations demonstrate their support for Israel in practical terms, especially in light of the ongoing threats?
8.) Can you provide insights into how Israel’s defensive measures compare to those of other countries facing similar terrorist threats?
9.) What message would you like to convey to those who may not fully understand the complexities of Israel’s security situation and its fight against terrorism?
10.) How do you see the future of Israeli security evolving if the current threats from Hamas and Hezbollah continue or escalate, and what steps should Israel take to ensure its safety and sovereignty?

Robert Davi is an actor, singer and political conservative. Currently he’s a spokesman for Shiloh, Israel Children’s Fund, a non-profit charity that helps child victims of terrorism. Davi has been in many movies including Diehard, Goonies, and the James Bond classic, “License to Kill.”
About David Rubin…
David Rubin, former Mayor of Shiloh Israel, is the author of seven books, including his latest, Confronting Radicals: What America Can Learn from Israel, which has recently been made into a movie. Rubin is the founder and president of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, established after he and his then three-year-old son were wounded in a terror attack.

www.IsraelChildren.org (treating the victims of terror)
www.DavidRubinIsrael.com (to find out more about David’s many books)
www.ConfrontingRadicals.com (the movie)
CONTACT: Todd Baumann of Special Guests Publicity
512-966-0983 / Todd@SpecialGuests.com

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