Special Guests

Israel attacks Hezbollah in Lebanon, and Raids Largest Gaza Hospital (Guest: David Rubin)


In recent days, the world’s attention has been captivated by a series of dramatic events unfolding in Gaza, particularly the Israeli special forces’ raid on Nasser Hospital, the largest functioning hospital in the enclave. What’s more, hostages were found inside the hospital showing that the raid was necessary and justified. Amidst a complex narrative of conflict, humanitarian concerns, and military operations, understanding the multifaceted aspects of such incidents is crucial. We propose an exclusive interview with David Rubin, the former Mayor of Shiloh, Israel, and a respected voice in Israeli politics and international relations. His insights from a pro-Israel perspective will provide your audience with a deeper understanding of the motivations, challenges, and implications surrounding these operations.


The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) conducted a targeted raid on Nasser Hospital in Gaza, citing intelligence that the facility was being used by militants to harbor hostages and possibly as a shield for military activities. This operation has sparked a broad spectrum of reactions, from outright condemnation to support for Israel’s right to defend its citizens against threats. Amidst reports of casualties and significant damage to the hospital’s infrastructure, the international community seeks clarity and context.

Why David Rubin?

David Rubin, with his extensive experience in Israeli governance and his firsthand knowledge of the complexities of Israeli-Palestinian relations, including being Mayor of Shiloh, Israel, in Samaria (a.k.a. the ‘West Bank’), offers a perspective rooted in a deep understanding of Israel’s security needs and humanitarian values. His insights can help untangle the intricate web of facts, allegations, and narratives that surround events like the raid on Nasser Hospital.

Proposed Interview Topics:

The Raid on Nasser Hospital: Strategy and Objectives – Rubin can provide analysis on the strategic importance of the operation, the intelligence leading up to the raid, and the intended outcomes from Israel’s perspective.

Humanitarian Concerns vs. Security Needs – An exploration of the balance Israel seeks between addressing humanitarian needs and ensuring the security of its citizens, including the challenges of operating in densely populated areas where militants are embedded within civilian infrastructure.

The Broader Context of Israeli-Palestinian Relations – Rubin’s views on how incidents like these affect the broader landscape of Israeli-Palestinian relations, the prospects for peace, and the impact on international perceptions of the conflict.

Responses to International Criticism – Insight into how Israel navigates the international critique following such operations, the justification from a security standpoint, and the steps taken to minimize civilian casualties.

The Way Forward – Rubin’s perspective on potential paths toward de-escalation, the role of international mediation, and the prerequisites for a sustainable peace in the region.


David Rubin is available for interviews between February 19 to February 22. We believe his participation will enrich your programming, offering your audience an informed perspective that navigates beyond the headlines to the heart of the issues at stake.


1. What are your thoughts on Israel fighter jets carrying out strikes in Lebanon?
2. Considering this comes so closely after Israel’s strike on Rafah, what does this say about their dedication to winning the war against Hamas?
3. What kind of retaliation do you think Hezbollah will have in mind following the strikes?
4. What moral high ground did Israel have in raiding the largest functioning hospital in Gaza?
5. Where do you see the Israel/Hamas conflict going in the months ahead? Will the situation get worse before it gets better?
6. Do you think the Israel/Hamas war will get focus during the 2024 Presidential Election, in terms of how each candidate would “handle” it?
7. Tell us more about your organization, the Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, and where people can go to support those in need.
       a. The official website is http://www.israelchildren.org

About David Rubin…

David Rubin, former Mayor of Shiloh Israel, is the author of seven books, including his latest, Confronting Radicals: What America Can Learn from Israel, which has recently been made into a movie. Rubin is the founder and president of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, established after he and his then three-year-old son were wounded in a terror attack.

www.IsraelChildren.org (treating the victims of terror)
www.DavidRubinIsrael.com (to find out more about David’s many books)
www.ConfrontingRadicals.com (the movie)

MEDIA CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin 919-437-0001 or jerry@specialguests.com or geraldmcg@outlook.com

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