Special Guests

Bracing for Annihilation (Guest: Mark Biltz)

Israel and Iran Heading for Major Middle East Showdown

The world is being warned by both Iran and Israel that something very big and catastrophic is looming. Ever since the October 7, 2023, attacks in Israel last year, the pot continues to boil. Hamas (the Palestinian Wing of the Muslim Brotherhood) has been continuing to attack Israel. The restraint being demanded of Israel is becoming more and more untenable due to the severity and incessant nature of the attacks it is having to withstand.

Now that includes Iran, which is on the brink of launching an attack on Israel that it is likely very much going to regret. Conversely, Israel is feeling a threat on all sides the likes of which it hasn’t yet seen. Israel has had to fend off Hamas to it’s southwest and Hezbollah from the north. Today, however, it is careening toward a reality where restraint is no longer an option, regardless of what diplomats may demand.

In response to 11 Israeli children being slaughtered by Iran via Hezbollah, Israel used precision strikes to take out Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, who was in Iran – a real-life manifestation of killing two birds with one stone. Unfortunately, this has not caused Iran to back down. Conversely, it seems more interested in launching an attack.

Why is radical Islam a threat to the US and the world right now?

Pastor and Founder of El Shaddai Ministries Mark Biltz is available for interviews to make sense of all this for your audience.

Biltz insists that the West still doesn’t fully understand what motivates the followers of Islam.

“Islam teaches that all evil on earth comes from Allah and only Allah can change it,” says Biltz, “This is why Arab countries were submissive in the 1800’s and 1900’s.”

Biltz insists that radical Muslims have been attempting to influence political systems really, since the 1930’s with the intent of gaining the upper hand so it can strike out militarily. Iran is getting closer to that belief right now.
“Radical Islam wants to infiltrate the West to suck out all the knowledge and then use it against the West. These people create a counter society wherever they are which is part 3 of the 3 stages of Jihad,” Biltz said.

Part 1 is Jihad of the hand – Kill the infidel

Part 2 is Jihad of the mouth – Protest and teach in the schools

Part 3 is Jihad of the heart – separate from society and plan attacks

Joining us is Pastor Mark Biltz, author of America At War: 2024-2026

  1. What are the three stages of Jihad as you have defined them?
  2. Why does this conflict between Hamas / Hezbollah and Israel feel different?
  3. What can we expect to happen soon?
  4. How far back does Islamic hatred of the Jews go? Does it pre-date Mohammed?
  5. According to you, we are currently in war right now. Can you explain the war you’re describing?
  6. Can you talk about all the money coming from Qatar that is going to universities? What is Qatar getting out of it?
  7. How is it that western cultures are so replete with useful idiots or people that really have no idea what’s going on? How has Islam created this environment?
  8. Tell us about your book and how people can get it.
  9. How can our audience watch your live sermons online.

Simply visit http://www.esm.us.

About Pastor Mark Biltz…

Pastor Mark Biltz is the founder and Senior Pastor of El Shaddai Ministries in Washington State. He is a well-known and popular speaker on the Feasts of the Lord and has authored four best-selling books and videos on the Feasts that have gone global.

Mark Biltz has lectured at congregations and conferences all over the world including twelve countries on 5 continents. He’s been on the cover of several magazines and has been interviewed many times on national radio stations as well as appearing on several different television programs.

Pastor Biltz has a local congregation in Washington State and live-streams their weekly service on their website at www.esm.us as well as on face-book and you-tube to over 200 cities from 20 nations.


For further details or to arrange the interview, please contact Todd Baumann at 512-966-0983 or email Bookings@SpecialGuests.com

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