Special Guests

Is the Idea of Retirement a Distant Memory? (Guest: Dr. Michael Grayson)

The credit expert discusses the idea of having a “comfortable” retirement in today’s financial age.

The world certainly has changed over the past few years – and not for the better.

Inflation has caused a number of items to go up in price, including food, housing and even gas. With that, some people that thought they were in for a comfortable retirement are experiencing anything but.

new report in the Seattle Times reveals that while the option remains on the table for many people, some folks are still on the workforce. While some are doing so willingly, others are feeling the financial crunch so much that they have no choice but to keep working. Even something that may have been set in stone with a long-time employer may not be so firmly in place.

“The pensions were structured, a known amount, and you could budget and plan for that, so it was a fairly easy transition,” said David John, a senior strategic policy advisor for the AARP Public Policy Institute. 

“Now we are in the case of where you have this lump sum of savings, and there is a question of how do I manage it? Do I leave it in stock markets? Do I buy something like an annuity? How long am I going to live? What is my health going to be?”

Joining us today is Dr. Michael Grayson, a renowned credit expert and advocate, to discuss the matter. His knowledge in all things investment and planning for the future make him an ideal guest for this show. Welcome, Michael!


  1. In your eyes, what is the state of retirement in today’s market?
  2. Are some people really stuck with having to work at an older age, despite previously having a plan in place to comfortably retire?
  3. How much of a factor does inflation play in all this?
  4. What advice do you have for those that want to set up some sort of retirement package? Is there an easy way to do so anymore?
  5. Tell us more about the company you founded, CDMI, and what services it can provide for others.
  6. Where can we find more information about CDMI?
    1. You can visit the official website at https://www.cdmicredit.org/.

About Dr. Michael Grayson…

Dr. Michael Grayson is a credit expert and advocate with extensive experience in credit repair and financial literacy. He has dedicated his career to helping people and businesses navigate complexities of the credit system. Dr. Grayson is known for his tireless advocacy for consumer rights and his efforts to expose and rectify injustices within the credit reporting industry. 

INTERVIEW CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin, CEO of Special Guests Publicity LLC

Phone: 919-437-0001  Email: jerry@specialguests.com

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