Special Guests

Is Hezbollah About To Unleash an Unexpected Attack On Israel Ten Years In the Making? (Guest: Grant Berry)

The founder of Reconnecting Ministries explains why there might be a changing tide in the battle against Israel – and not for the better.

As Hamas and Israel continue to attack one another with drones and missiles, a new report suggests that Hezbollah may be planning a much larger attack, one on the scale of the one that unfolded back in October of last year.

According to the U.S. Sun, Hezbollah has apparently been building a massive strike that’s been ten years in the making, including a network of miles-long tunnels. Leaked photos indicate a large underground bunker, as well as weapons that could play a part in the strike.

Lieutenant Colonel Sarit Zaheavi, explained, “The risk has never been greater. Hezbollah has ten times the firepower of Hamas, with a total military force of 50,000 and up to 5,000 elite troops ready to storm across the border.”

He continued, “(The tunnels) are cut into solid rock and bigger than the Hamas tunnels – some big enough to drive a truck through – with electric power and even air conditioning.”

But then he mentioned the volume of weapons on hand, including “more than 200,000 rockets, guided missiles and drones.”

Could this be a turn for the worse in its ongoing battle with Israel?

Joining us now to discuss this further is Grant Berry, founder of Reconnecting Ministries and the author and producer of the Romans 911 project. Grant notes, “My focus will be for Israel to do what it needs to do to root out Hamas and to pray for Palestinians to want peace and turn against Hamas.”

His expertise on the matter make him a great subject for this interview. Welcome, Grant!


  1. The war between Israel and Hamas has already resulted in thousands of deaths. Will that number continue to add up in the months ahead?
  2. What are your thoughts on this report surrounding a potential counter-attack by Hezbollah? Could Israel possibly be prepared for this?
  3. Would this potentially serve as motivation for the two sides to reach a ceasefire deal, before it’s too late? Or are we already past that point?
  4. What do you think is the proper way to peace at this point? If there is a way?
  5. You released a Romans 911 audiobook. Tell us more about it.
  6. You also have a Romans 911 podcast. What will that offer to listeners?
  7. Where can we find Romans 911 and learn more about it?
    1. There are two websites: Romans911.org, which introduces the project; and our main website, ReconnectingMinistries.com.

About Grant Berry…

Grant Berry is a Messianic believer in Yeshua/Jesus and was born in London, England. He is the Founder of Reconnecting Ministries and the author and producer of The Romans 911 Project. Through his writing and speaking, both in the US and internationally, he builds bridges of understanding between believing Jews and Gentiles to help the Church reconnect spiritually to Israel. He and his wife, Hali Berry, are awakening the Church and Messianic bodies to step into the Father’s Heart to reunite His family into John 17 love and unity, and mobilize them into the fray.

CONTACT: Todd Baumann at 512-966-0983 or by email Jerry McGlothlin at jerry@specialguests.com.

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