Special Guests

Is Another Middle East Peace Deal Imminent?

Israel Mayor David Rubin is Available via Skype, Zoom or Phone

Intro:  Jared Kushner and NSC Secretary Hook were in Israel Sunday and are flying together to the UAE on an Israel ELAL flight, which will fly over Saudi Arabia. Could this be the harbinger of things to come – perhaps another Trump peace deal? Or maybe even an imminent attack on Iran? 

Predictions – Bahrain is a very small country with a Shiite majority, but its ruling royal family is Sunni. This makes it a prime target for an Iranian takeover, similar to what we saw when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. 

Oman is a medium-sized county with its vast majority being Ibati and Sunni, leaving Shiites in its minority. But the thing both nations have in common is that they are geographically situated opposite Iran and in fear of that militant Shiite nation, and thus prime targets for a Trump-Kushner peace deal with Israel, and just before the November U.S. elections. 

Here to provide both insight and a bit of speculation is David Rubin, former mayor of Shiloh, Israel, and author of the book, “Trump and the Jews.” 


  1. President Trump recently made history by brokering a peace deal with the United Arab Emirates. How significant was that?

Answer: Very significant. Other than Egypt and Jordan, no country in the Middle East has dared to establish full relations with Israel and this one has strategic geo-political significance.

  1. So, if Trump gets either Bahrain or Oman onboard with Israel, it’s like lightning striking twice. 

Answer: Or lighting striking thrice if they both join the Trump peace train—and doing so is in the best interest of every nation on earth—other than Iran, the big bully on the block in the Middle East.

  1. OK. Speculate, if you will, what might happen if both nations take the plunge. Would that be the end of the parade for peace or might there be other nations willing to join in?

Answer: If, and when those countries declare normalized relations with Israel, watch for the big fish, Saudi Arabia, to possibly take the plunge. 

Even if Saudi Arabia does not overtly join in, they will undoubtedly continue to covertly cooperate with Trump and Israel.

  1. In contrast, how would a Biden presidency impact the prospects for peace in the Middle East?

Answer: For eight years, the Obama-Biden administration had a very tense relationship with Israel and there were no breakthroughs in the peace process. President Trump in his three and a half years in office has proven with his leadership that appeasement of the Palestinian terrorists is not the path to peace in the Middle East. 

  1. What about the possibility of Trump waging an attack on Iran before they are able to enrich enough uranium to make atomic bombs?  

Answer: While Trump is the master of surprise, don’t rule out the possibility that he will stand aside and let Israel take action to end the Iran problem once and for all.

  1. You wrote the book, “Trump and The Jews.” What did you include in that book about Trump and prospects for peace in Persian Gulf countries? And where may we pick up a copy?

Answer: Yes, I discussed the dynamics of nations in the Gulf that were inching towards peace with Israel, specifically Saudi Arabia, but mostly about Trump and the Jews, which is a fascinating dynamic, in and of itself. My book is available at www.DavidRubinIsrael.com or at Amazon.com. Just type in the words, Trump and the Jews.

About Mayor David Rubin: 

David Rubin, former Mayor of Shiloh Israel, is the author of the book, “Trump and the Jews” and five other books. 

Rubin is the founder and president of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, established after he and his then three-year-old son were wounded in a terror attack. 

Mayor Rubin may be found at www.DavidRubinIsrael.com or at http://www.ShilohIsraelChildren.org    
CONTACT: Rachel Ford rford.specialguests@gmail.com or Jerry McGlothlin 919-437-0001 jerry@specialguests.com

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