Special Guests

Hunter Biden Trial Ends: Now Up to the Jury (Steve Strang, guest)

Closing arguments have concluded in the Hunter Biden trial, which charges the President’s son with three felony counts involving purchasing and possessing a gun while he was a drug addict. In testimony Monday (June 10, 2024), they discussed texts between Biden and a drug dealer as they set up a meeting at a 7-11 during the same month he purchased the gun and denied being an addict.

Biden’s lawyers argued that none of that was proof and that he could still have considered himself a non-addict at the time of the purchase. But Biden’s own book refutes that notion.

Steve Strang, CEO of Charisma Media and author of Trump Aftershock: The President’s Seismic Impact on Faith and Culture, looks at the trial and what is likely to come.

Welcome, Steve.


1. The trial has ended and it’s up to the jury. What do you expect from here?

2. Did you see anything that surprised you Monday?

3. If this weren’t President Joe Biden’s son, would this trial have gone any differently?

4. Did you see anything during this trial that you believe will trip up this jury?

5. Is this a difficult decision for the jury?

6. President Joe Biden has said if Hunter is convicted, he won’t pardon him. Do you believe that? Does anybody believe that?

7. Is this trial damaging to the presidential campaign of Joe Biden?

8. Fox News ran a story explaining that the jury could believe Hunter Biden lied and still acquit. Do you think that is likely?

9. Once again, the media ran a story Monday complaining that the judge is a Trump appointee. Are they trying to taint this trial in case it does not go their way?

10. You wrote the book, “Trump Aftershock: The President’s Seismic Impact on Faith and Culture.” Tell us about the book and where we can get hold of it.

Guest Bio:

Stephen E. Strang’s previous book, God and Donald Trump (Frontline, a Charisma House imprint 2017), garnered over one hundred five-star reviews and was featured on CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC. After interviewing Donald Trump, Strang was involved with other Christian leaders who campaigned for Trump’s election. Strang also attended the 2016 election night victory party in New York. Strang is CEO and founder of Charisma Media, which publishes Charisma magazine and the Modern English Version of the Bible.

About Charisma House:

Charisma House empowers people through Spirit-inspired resources. It is the leading publisher of diversified Christian resources, motivating people to fulfill God’s purpose. Charisma House has published books, including fourteen New York Times bestsellers, that challenge, encourage, teach, and equip Christians for over twenty years.

CONTACT: For interviews, contact Jerry McGlothlin of Special Guests Publicity at 919-437-0001 jerry@specialguests.com 

The AP story on the judge being a Trump appointee: https://apnews.com/article/hunter-biden-trial-judge-noreika-1e1c44a3a3a3d0e8739bf6c7690cffde/

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