Special Guests

How Bad Is Prisoner Abuse Getting In Israel? (Guest: Ronald Stetton)

The author of The Prophet discusses the potential violence against prisoners, and whether it’s a growing problem within Israel.

As the war between Israel and Hamas continues, some questions have arisen regarding the treatment of political prisoners.

Per reports, The Palestinian Prisoner’s Society has recently called on the United Nations to proceed with an international investigation over the “systematic torture of Palestinian detainees” who are currently being held in detention facilities and Israeli prisons.

The order reads, “I write to draw urgent attention to the critical situation of thousands of Palestinian civilians, including children, who are being held captive in Israeli jails and subjected to all forms of physical and psychological abuse, including violent interrogations, unhygienic conditions, medical negligence and acts of torture.”

“Palestinian prisoners have repeatedly gone on hunger strike as a form of peaceful, non-violent protest against their captivity and abuse by Israel, the occupying Power. Among those prisoners is 34-year-old Kayed al-Fasfous, who has been on hunger strike for over two months – 62 consecutive days as at the time of writing – in protest against his administrative detention. Mr. Al-Fasfous, who is married and the father of one child, has been held without charge or trial since 2 May 2023. He had previously spent seven years in Israeli prisons, only to be arrested again and put in captivity.”

Is this a call for action? And, for that matter, will Israel even respond at this point?

Joining us now to discuss this situation further is Ronald Stetton, author of the book The Prophet. It “presents an intriguing exploration of ancient prophecies from the Bible, Koran, and Tanakh that may suggest our current days as the ‘Last Days’. 

It dives deep into the teachings of the man of mystery predicted to emerge, whose mission is to unite the world in a new religion – or anti-religion. Ron’s book draws interesting parallels between scriptures and modern global developments, such as the recent UN 26-13 vote instituting “blasphemy laws,” forbidding criticism of Mohammed.”

Welcome, Ronald!


  1. What do you think about the call to investigate the possible torture of prisoners in Israeli facilities?
  2. Do you believe that such abuse is taking place? Or are things far worse than anyone may realize?
  3. You’ve actually predicted quite a bit of this conflict in your book The Prophet. Tell us more about how this came together.
  4. Will Israel do anything regarding this claim to the United Nations? Or is it too busy planning the destruction of Hamas?
  5. Where do you see the conflict between the two sides going in the months ahead?
  6. Could you elaborate on the “abomination of desolation” spoken about in the Book of Revelation and its relevance today?
  7. Tell us more about your new book, “The Prophet”. What inspired you to write it, and what are some of the key takeaways for readers?
  8. Where can our audience get a copy of your book, “The Prophet”?

About Ronald Stetton:

Author of “The Prophet,” Stetton offers a riveting perspective on the changing definition of truth in our times, where emotions supersede factual accuracies, creating societal delusions. Ronald’s work asserts that this deviation from reality is a sign of the ‘Last Days’ as per ancient biblical prophecies, offering a compelling analysis of how the world refuses to recognize its Biblical role.  

CONTACT: Todd Baumann at 512-966-0983 or by email Jerry McGlothlin at jerry@specialguests.com.

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