Special Guests

House Judiciary Committee Looks To Vote On a New Gun Control Legislation This Week, But is it Beneficial? (Guest: Michael Letts)

Following the deadly Uvalde school shooting just a few days ago, the House Judiciary Committee is working on voting on a new measure that could call for gun control legislation. The vote corresponds with Gun Violence Awareness Day, June 3.

According to this CNN report, this would raise the lawful age to purchase a semiautomatic rifle from 18 to 21. In addition, it would introduce several new offenses for gun trafficking and selling large-capacity magazines, as well as a potential criminal penalty for not meeting new requirements on the storage of firearms on residential premises.

Known as the “Protecting Our Kids Act,” some believe these changes could go a long way to saving lives. But the question is…would it be too far for some? Or not enough for others?

Joining us now to speak to us on the matter is Michael Letts, who serves as founder and CEO for InVest USA. This organization provides bulletproof vests to police officers throug sponsorships and charitable programs.

  1. How much do you think these potential plans in this Act will actually protect people? Could this possibly infringe on the rights of those simply trying to arm themselves in case of a mass shooting or other criminal activity?
  2. There’s a measure here that talks about “a criminal penalty for breaking new requirements on the storage of firearms on residential premises.” How much could this hurt private citizens who are merely trying to keep their right to bear arms?
  3. Do you think these “federal offenses” towards gun trafficking and selling large-capacity magazines will really have an effect on how people are able to get their hands on such weapons? Or will it actually make sales go up?
  4. The big thing here seems to be the age for buyers of a semiautomatic centerfire rifle to raise from 18 to 21. It seems to be put in place because of the young men involved in the most recent mass shootings. Do you think this is a fair measure? Why or why not?
  5. Finally, if you were to write up an act in regards to protecting people from future mass shootings, what measures would you introduce?
  6. Where can we learn more about In-Vest USA?
  7. You can visit the official website at http://www.investusa.org.

About Michael Letts:

Michael Letts is the Founder, President, and CEO of In-Vest USA, a national grassroots non-profit organization that is helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs. Those interested in learning more about Letts can visit his official website here.

CONTACT: Gerald McGlothlin at: jerry@specialguests.com

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