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History Appears To Be Playing a Part In the Battle For Gun Rights (Guest: Stephen Willeford)

Gun Owners of America spokesman Stephen Willeford explains why the rights of private gun owners still triumph over any statures over weapons from years ago.

Right now is a very turbulent time when it comes to the rights to bear arms. Though the Second Amendment does allow for people to arm themselves as needed (especially in today’s climate), several argue that it’s leading to more violence – and have even brought up statures from centuries ago arguing their case, according to Al Jazeera.

Even with the notable overturning of New York’s strict gun law by the Supreme Court back in June last year, several states have taken it upon themselves to attempt to enforce their own gun laws. Illinois, so far, has the strictest policy, with a ban on assault-style weapons and large-capacity magazines. (There are several court cases noting that the ban is unconstitutional, but it is ongoing.)

Following the Supreme Court case, Pepperdine Caruso School of Law associate professor Jacob Charles wrote an analysis, explaining that there have been 212 claims against pre-existing gun restrictions – with a small portion of them being ruled in favor of the challenger. A good portion of them are still ongoing, but the Second Amendment clearly played a part in their favor.

But as gun violence continues across the country, both anti-gun advocates (most notably President Joe Biden) and several states are still trying to apply their own laws, using statures from centuries ago (going as far back as the use of billy clubs) in an effort to defend their case. The real question, however, is if this is all for naught, considering the strength of the Second Amendment.

With us now to talk about the significance of this matter is Stephen Willeford, the spokesman for Gun Owners of America. You may recall in 2017 how he stopped the Sutherland Springs, Texas mass shooting, acting as the “good guy with a gun.” His expertise is welcome in this matter.


  1. Even with the Second Amendment firmly in place for gun owners, why are so many states trying to dictate their own rules? And do they truly have a leg to stand on with statures that were made years prior?
  2. Some courts clearly favor the Second Amendment, while others try to find a way around it with their decisions. But does it seem ultimately pointless trying to raise a case against gun owners at this point, considering their rights are so firmly protected?
  3. Many states feel that trying to ban weapons is the only genuine solution to the growing violence in the United States. Do you feel this is the case, and why or why not?
  4. You’ve talked in the past about the effectiveness of Concealed-Carry (or Constitutional-Carry, as some call it), noting that it’s been working well against “active shooters.” Why do you think some states are so slow to understand the importance of this?
  5. Do you believe these government leaders are concerned that having someone that Concealed-Carries could add to the gun violence? What reply would you have for someone that tries to use this in defense of the restrictive laws?
  6. Tell us more about your “hero with a gun” incident in 2017, and the importance of being ready against an “active shooter.”
  7. Where can we learn more about you, as well as Gun Owners of America?

My official website is http://www.stephenwilleford.com. You can read more about Gun Owners of America at https://www.gunowners.org/

About Stephen Willeford…

Stephen represents Gun Owners of America and is known around the country as the “good guy with the gun” for helping stop the largest Texas mass shooting in the history of the state in 2017. He is available to speak about all 2nd Amendment issues, as well as the importance of Gun Owners of America. You can read more about him at http://www.stephenwilleford.com.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin at: geraldmcg@outlook.com or 919-437-0001.   

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