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Harvard Board Shuts Out Antisemitic Protestors from Graduating (Guest: Kenin Spivak)

While the woke faculty at Harvard University wants to forgive the antisemitic and illegal protests of the students – who ignored all warnings – the board vetoed the decision to let them graduate. That means 13 senior students who took part in the shocking protests against Israel will not get a Harvard degree. Not yet, anyway. The faculty is threatening a “rebellion.”

The protests at Harvard and other colleges were sometimes violent as the pro-Palestinian students targeted Jewish students, blocking some from going to class and attacking others. Now they want their crimes forgotten.

Kenin Spivak (SPIV-ak) is a distinguished triple degree holder from the University where this all began, Columbia University. He is also a writer for The American Mind magazine of the Claremont Institute.  Spivak offers a critical perspective on the ideological underpinnings and potential repercussions of this widespread campus unrest.

Welcome, Kenin.


1. Harvard was criticized for cutting a deal with protestors, so this recent decision may come as a surprise to many. Why the change?

2. Is this the right move by Harvard?

3. Do you think we’ll see this elsewhere?

4. Now this has led to another antisemitic protest at Harvard. Where do you see this ending?

5. Over a hundred Harvard faculty members showed up to vote in favor of allowing the students to graduate. Why are they supporting these students?

6. Numerous articles on the Harvard story are ignoring the antisemitism and are simply calling these students “pro-Palestinian.” CBS News is even calling them “supporters of a cease-fire.” Is the media purposely deceiving its readers?

7. Where do you think the general public is on this? 

About Kenin Spivak:

Kenin M. Spivak, celebrated for his remarkable academic achievements at Columbia University, including degrees in economics, psychology, marketing, and law, stands as a testament to intellectual and professional excellence. His rich career, marked by navigating intricate legal and financial landscapes, underscores his profound analytical insights. A prolific writer for esteemed publications like The American Mind and National Review, Spivak’s commentary on the challenges besieging academia and beyond provides a nuanced understanding of the complexities at play. His dedication to fostering informed dialogue and his unique perspective on current affairs make him a vital voice in deciphering the intricacies of antisemitism and ideological polarization within higher education.


For detailed inquiries or to arrange an interview with Kenin Spivak, please contact Jerry McGlothlin geraldmcg@outlook.com or 919-437-0001.

Original story: https://thehill.com/homenews/education/4680598-harvard-board-bars-13-pro-palestine-student-protesters-from-graduating-overruling-faculty/

Story on new protest at Harvard: https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/harvard-commencement-protest-student-degrees/

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