Special Guests

Environmental Radicals Fight to Spike Gas Prices Higher (Guest: Guy Mitchell)

Global Warming Activists glue themselves to Da Vinci’s Last Supper Painting

Just when you thought gas prices couldn’t go higher, radical environmental activists are doing everything they can to see that gas prices spike even higher. 

Greenpeace and the Sierra Club are pushing for the Green New Deal to ban gas production. And Climate Change Activists went so far as to glue themselves to the famous Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” painting. The Global Warming Activists spray-painted “No New Oil” under the painting.

Joining us to make sense of why activists are working overtime trying to raise the price of gas is Guy Mitchell, author of the book, “Global Warming: The Great Deception.”


  1. We are currently enduring the highest price of gasoline in history. Who would any sane, level-headed person go out of their way to help gas prices surge higher?

Answer: You hit the name on the head, they are not level-headed. They are Global Warming Activists, and they have an agenda that is based on false science. 

  • What false science?

Answer: Weather changes all the time, yet these activists want us to spend trillions of dollars to try to stop the weather from changing. It would be far cheaper to fly everyone to San Diego once or Hawaii once a year.  

  • Activists in the London National Gallery made a bold move this week. Can you share what they did?

Answer: They glued themselves to a Leonardo da Vinci painting and spray-painted ‘no more oil’ graffiti below it. 

  • The Supreme Court just made a major ruling in the case of the Environmental Protection Agency vs. West Virginia. Can you tell us about that?

Answer: Yes. The high court wisely set the EPA back a couple of decades from their extreme overreach and control that has crippled numerous businesses in a myriad of industries. The EPA no longer can lord over companies as they once did, over-regulating carbon emissions. 

  • You wrote a book titled, Global Warming: The Great Deception? Tells us about your book.
  • Where may we pick up a copy?

Answer: It’s available for purchase on Amazon here, and there’s also a Kindle version available here.

About Guy Mitchell:

Guy Mitchell is a member of Pi Tau Sigma, the International Honor Society for Mechanical Engineers and was elected a Distinguished Engineering Fellow by the College of Engineering, University of Alabama, in 1995. His book, Global Warming: The Great Deception, explains what he believes to be the flawed claims of global warming caused by human activity. 

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin of Special Guests 919-437-0001 jerry@specialguests.com

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