Special Guests

Heading for the Borders (Guest: Armand Arton)

Election Results to Create Demand for Passports

America is on the brink of yet another polarizing and consequential election. Every four years, tensions rise and the threats of leaving the country are in no short supply. Whether your candidate wins or loses, the best way to prepare for the worst-case scenario is to know where you want to go, and how easy it is to get there.

With nearly 200 countries all over the world, each one has its own unique passport details and characteristics. Even if you’re not waiting for election results to get a passport, you probably want to find out how passports work in other countries, especially if you’ve decided to go somewhere but don’t know the ideal destination.

Armand Arton, the founder of Arton Capital has created the Passport Index, which ranks every passport in the world based on things like mobility, global rank and individual rank. Which passports help you move around the globe easier? Can you have more than one passport from different countries? How about citizenship?

Arton developed a passion for helping people best decide how to travel the globe from a passport perspective based on his own personal story.

“My passion for the industry is deeply rooted in my personal journey. I was born in communist Bulgaria in1976 before relocating to Morocco as a child with my parents,” Arton says, “In an era before the Schengen Area existed, our travels involved navigating through 14 different countries, each with its own visa requirements and bureaucratic hurdles.”

Factors involving discrimination and persecution are also very important to consider when educating yourself about the value of different passports.

“We were treated differently at borders in comparison to those who held a European passport,” Arton explains, “I saw firsthand what an arduous process such travels required, but more important, I realized that your passport can both hinder and facilitate opportunities across the globe.”

In the wake of the upcoming presidential election, a critical shift is anticipated in the global mobility landscape, poised to redefine opportunities for those with foresight and strategic acumen. As political climates around the world become increasingly polarized, there is an emerging trend of citizens seeking to secure alternative avenues for living and working abroad, particularly if their preferred candidate does not emerge victorious. This trend underscores an imminent rise in demand for passports and residency solutions, positioning Armand Arton and Arton Capital at the forefront of a significant growth opportunity.

The Context: Post-Election Uncertainty and Mobility

Historical patterns and recent polling suggest that the fallout from the election could trigger a substantial increase in the number of individuals seeking to relocate internationally. When political outcomes diverge sharply from personal or professional expectations, the resulting uncertainty often drives a surge in demand for alternative residency and citizenship options. This phenomenon is not isolated to any single country but is a global trend, reflecting the increasing desire for security and stability in an unpredictable world.

The Opportunity: Meeting the Surge in Demand

Arton Capital, with its unparalleled expertise in global citizenship and residency solutions, is uniquely positioned to capitalize on this shift. The Passport Index, an innovative tool developed by Arton Capital, provides invaluable insights into the relative strength and flexibility of passports worldwide. As the election approaches and potential instability looms, individuals will increasingly turn to tools like the Passport Index to guide their decision-making process.

Strategic Advantages for Arton Capital

Enhanced Market Relevance: With the anticipated increase in demand for alternative citizenship and residency solutions, Arton Capital stands at the nexus of a burgeoning market. By leveraging the Passport Index, Arton Capital can offer tailored advice to clients seeking the best possible passport options in a climate of heightened uncertainty.

Personalized Solutions: Arton Capital’s expertise in navigating the complexities of global citizenship allows for a highly personalized approach. Clients will benefit from bespoke strategies that align with their specific needs, whether they are seeking economic stability, political safety, or lifestyle advantages.

Proactive Engagement: By anticipating the surge in demand, Arton Capital can proactively engage with potential clients through targeted marketing, educational webinars, and tailored consultations. This forward-thinking approach will not only attract new clients but also reinforce Arton Capital’s reputation as a leader in the field.

Strengthened Partnerships: The rise in demand for passports and residency solutions will necessitate enhanced collaboration with governments, legal experts, and other stakeholders. Arton Capital’s established network and reputation will facilitate these partnerships, ensuring a smooth and efficient process for clients.

Conclusion: Positioning for Growth

As the election results unfold, the anticipated rise in demand for passports and residency solutions presents a significant opportunity for Arton Capital. By strategically leveraging the insights provided by the Passport Index and aligning with the evolving needs of a global clientele, Arton Capital can position itself as the go-to authority in the field of global mobility.

In essence, the post-election climate is set to drive a surge in individuals seeking alternative citizenship and residency options, and Arton Capital, led by Armand Arton’s visionary leadership, is ideally situated to meet this demand. By focusing on personalized solutions, proactive engagement, and strengthened partnerships, Arton Capital can not only navigate but thrive in this emerging landscape of global mobility.


  1. Armand, with the election results potentially influencing many to seek alternative citizenship, how do you anticipate this will impact the global demand for passports and residency solutions?
  2. Can you explain how the Passport Index works and how it can assist individuals in choosing the best passport or residency options considering the current political climate?
  3. What specific trends or patterns have you observed in past elections regarding people’s interest in obtaining second passports or alternative residencies?
  4. How does Arton Capital plan to respond to the expected increase in demand for passport services following the election results? What proactive measures are being taken?
  5. What are the main factors that individuals should consider when selecting a country for alternative residency or citizenship, especially during politically turbulent times?
  6. Can you discuss any potential challenges or obstacles people might face when trying to secure a new passport or residency, and how Arton Capital helps address these issues?
  7. Given your personal background and experiences with navigating complex visa requirements, how do you think these experiences have shaped your approach to helping clients with global mobility?
  8. In what ways do you foresee the Passport Index evolving in response to global political changes, and how will it continue to serve individuals seeking to enhance their international mobility?


Mr. Armand Arton is a visionary entrepreneur, philanthropist, and a Global Citizen.

His extensive background as a trusted advisor to governments around the world has been instrumental in attracting foreign direct investments through residency and citizenship investment programs and empowering high net-worth investors in securing global opportunities to better their future.

Armand is the Founder of Arton Group of companies operating across the realms of finance, technology, publishing and real estate including Arton Capital and the Passport Index – the world’s leading global mobility intelligence platform.

His global vision is emphasized through the founding of the Global Citizen Forum – a Canadian non-profit organization driven by a community of global leaders and visionaries unlocking the potential of global citizenship.

Mr. Arton is married and has three kids. He sits on the board of numerous business, professional and philanthropic organizations around the world.

Armand in US media

Passport Index Coverage

Armand Arton int. coverage

47% of U.K. Millionaires More Likely to Leave Country After Election (robbreport.com)

CONTACT: Todd Baumann of Special Guests Publicity

512-966-0983 / Bookings@SpecialGuests.com 

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