Special Guests

Does the House Speaker Situation Affect the Financial Future of U.S. Citizens?

A representative for IRAQuote.com explains why the ongoing search for a House Speaker could have repercussions on retirees.

At one point, House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy thought he’d be a sure lock for Speaker of the House with Nancy Pelosi departing the position. However, that’s no longer the case.

Following the first day of Republicans taking over the House of Congress, McCarthy was unable to secure the votes needed to sustain the role. Several hardline conservatives are also seeking the seat, but he isn’t about to give up so easily. In fact, according to CNN, several close to McCarthy have noted that “we’re going to war.”

But without a secure House Speaker, the ongoing debate over who should lead could “unleash chaos on the House floor,” according to FT.com.  The legislative process could come into question – and that may have an effect on how some bills are passed. That includes any supportive bills to help fight back against inflation and secure the future of millions of retirees.

This sort of divide could bring all sorts of issues into question. With us now to address this further is a spokesperson for IRAQuote.com (either Robert Davi or Brett Winterble), whose financial expertise should shed some light on this matter.


  1. Could there be an impact on our economy with a delay in selecting the next Speaker of the House? How would that affect peoples’ financial futures?
  2. What impact on an economy can a Speaker of the House have? Does affiliation with a certain political party matter, or no?
  3. With President Biden still in office for the next two years and the Senate with a Democrat Majority, what can a Republican Speaker do? Isn’t he or she outnumbered, even with the proper amount of votes?
  4. How does uncertainty about our speaker of the house affect the world markets? 
  5. How could retirees be affected from something such as this, even if they believe their funding is secured by pension or 401K?
  6. You recently debuted a new website called IRAQuote.com. Tell us how that works and what services you provide to those that are interested.
  7. Finally, why are IRA’s so important, especially now in today’s financial climate?

About Brett Winterble…

Brett Winterble is a graduate of Emerson College and American Military University with degrees in Political Communication and Homeland Security/Intelligence Studies. 

About Robert Davi…

Robert Davi is an American actor and singer, who’s appeared in over 130 films over the course of his career. These include iconic films such as Die Hard, Licence To Kill (where he portrayed a James Bond villain) and The Goonies, among countless others. He’s also released a number of jazz albums and performed at The Venetian Las Vegas.

Robert previously hosted The Robert Davi Show and The Conversation w/Robert Davi on CRN Digital Talk Radio. Currently, he serves as partner and spokesperson for IRAQuote.com, a website that advises others on the importance of IRAs, as well as gold and silver metals.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin of Special Guests 919-437-0001 jerry@specialguests.com

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