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DeSantis’s AHCA Just Fined an Abortionist for Nearly 200 Felonies (Guest: Jim Harden)

CompassCare CEO Jim Harden explains how Ron DeSantis’s newly appointed AHCA Secretary is exposing the abortion industry’s crimes against women.

The Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) is holding abortionists accountable for their illegal actions, even fining one for committing nearly 200 felonies in 17 days.

An Orlando abortion provider was found guilty of violating Title 29 of Fla. Stat.§ 390.0111 (2023), denying women informed consent to abortion. As a result, this provider has been fined a record $193,000. While Judge J. Bruce Culpepper suggested a reduced penalty, the AHCA confirmed the full amount.

In a statement, Rev. Jim Harden, medical ethicist and CEO of CompassCare, noted, “It is encouraging to see Florida’s Agency for Health Care Administration, through equal enforcement of the laws, protecting women and babies from fraud and injury by a mercenary abortion industry. I congratulate Gov. DeSantis and his newly appointed AHCA Secretary on protecting all people equally.”

Florida is one of 13 states to institute a mandatory waiting period for abortion, and, oddly enough, this isn’t even the first time that an abortionist has been fined for denying women informed consent.

In Gainesville Women’s Care LLC v State of Florida, the pro-abortion law firm ACLU noted how FL’s mandatory waiting period law, dubbed the “24-Hour Consent Law,” is a “meaningful step” to prevent sex trafficking, rape and incest. Yet the ACLU fought against the law in an effort to protect the state’s abortion industry.

Rev. Harden noted, “This is just another example of pro-abortion activists taking the side of sex traffickers, pedophiles, and rapists. It is shameful that an objection to the 24-Hour Consent Law is that sex crimes will be brought into the light.”

As Rev. Harden continues to push for state Governors and Attorneys General to conduct audits and investigations into the “fraudulent practices of the abortion industry,” he joins us now to discuss the matter further.


  1. Why do you think abortionists continue to practice denying women informed consent? Doesn’t this tacitly admitting they have something to hide?
  2. Do you think cases such as this should prompt Governors and others in higher office to take a look at what’s happening within the abortion industry?
  3. Why do so many politicians fight for the right to abortion? 
  4. Do you believe more states should take a closer look at the mandatory waiting periods for abortion? 
  5. In the GOP debates, Gov. Ron DeSantis seemingly dodged the question as to whether or not he would sign a federal abortion ban. Yet he just recently installed the new AHCA Secretary who is going after abortionists. What do you make of this?
  6. What do you make of the other GOP Presidential Candidates’ stance on abortion?
    1. Harden Abortion Compromise Scale
  7. Do you believe abortion will be the primary issue in the 2024 Presidential Election?
  8. CompassCare was brutally firebombed on June 7 of 2022. Have there been any arrests made by the FBI or local police?
  9. Where can people go to learn more about CompassCare?

a. They can visit our official website at CompassCareCommunity.com.

About Rev. Jim Harden:

Rev. James Harden, M.Div., is CEO of firebombed pro-life medical network, CompassCare. He has one wife and ten children.

Rev. Harden says, “Money follows morality.” He is raising the alarm regarding corruption in federal law enforcement and public policy in a post-Roe America. He writes extensively on medical ethics, executive leadership, and pro-life strategy, predicting Dobbs in 2018 and the death of the “Red Wave” in 2022.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin at: geraldmcg@outlook.com or 919-437-0001.

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