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Demand to investigate Navy Chaplain for daring to teach “Lead like Jesus”

A demand has been made to investigate Commander Richard Smothers, a Navy Chaplain in Rhode Island, for daring to teach, “Lead like Jesus.” 

Had it not been for the aid of advocacy group First Liberty, Chaplain Smothers might have had his religious speech silenced. 

This has been just one more in a string of cases for military chaplains being attached for teaching or preaching about Jesus.

One such chaplain who persecuted in a similar way is Gordon Klingenschmitt, a former U.S. Navy Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt, a former military intelligence officer who worked daily for three years with DIA, CIA, and the NSA. Gordon also has a Bachelor’s Degree in international affairs, and two seminary degrees as an ordained minister serving Sailors. And them: boom. He’s ordered to no longer pray in Jesus’ name. He defied the order and his life was made miserable in ways that are hard to believe could occur in the United States of America. 


  1. Tell us more about the attempts to squelch Chaplain Smothers.
  1. Can you give us any other examples of religious persecution of Christians happening in the United States?

Answer: Yes. SMSgt Phillip Monk punished by his lesbian commander for disapproving of same-sex marriage.

TSgt Layne Wilson punished for opposing desecration of the base chapel.

Navy Chaplain Wes Modder punished for counseling gay Sailor against sin.

Lance Corporal Monifa Sterling who endured court-martial for posting a Bible verse at her desk.

Army Chaplain Scott Squires threatened with discharge for refusing to counsel same-sex couples.

  1. Is religious freedom better under the Trump administration than it was under President Obama?

Answer: The difference is night and day, since Trump has stopped the transgender agenda from threatening Christian servicemen.  However, there is still a Deep State with liberal rogue commanders who take matters into their own hands.

4) How were you punished in 2006 as a Navy Chaplain for praying in Jesus’ name?

Answer: I endured misdemeanor court martial for violating a policy 1730.7C which forbid chaplains from praying in Jesus’ name, but was later vindicated by Congress who changed the policy.  Despite my honorable discharge, I lost a 16-year officer career and a million-dollar pension.

5) What is the title of your latest book, and how can people buy a copy?

Answer:  HOW TO LIBERATE THE WORLD is available wherever books are sold, and people can also buy it here: https://www.prayinjesusname.org/

Reference article: 

About Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt: 

Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt is a former Colorado State Representative, a U.S. Air Force Academy graduate in Political Science, and the man who made national headlines while as a Navy Chaplain for refusing to stop praying “in Jesus’ name,” leading to his being forced out of the U.S. Navy. An ordained Pentecostal minister, ‘Chaps’ earned his PhD in Theology from Regent University. 

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