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David Rubin Interviews with Scripps News

Former Mayor of Shiloh Israel speaks from Israel about Reaction to Recovery of Six Dead Hostages




Here is a copy of the Transcript

  • We’re going to see right now to Israel where patience is growing thin. Israelis blaming Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for those still hostage release negotiations and by extension, some say for the murders of the 6 hostages who died over the weekend. Taking you on the scene to Tel Aviv’s. These are images from the just the past. Our it seems as if the crowd has diminished, but by some estimates as many as 250 300,000 people have taken to the streets for 3 days of demonstrations across the country. They’re upset with the fact that there was no cease-fire to bring those hostages home in time. David Rubin is a former Mayor, Shiloh Israel and is currently in the West Bank and Mr. Rubin, thanks for being with How should Americans seeing these massive demonstrations taking place on the streets of Israel? How should we interpret what we’re seeing?
  • >> Well, if you saying is demonstrations of the far left. That is to demonstrate
  • 00:01:01
  • against Israel.
  • >> That that is not a.
  • >> 40 and slit. They’re demonstrating against Israel. They say demonstrating against government of Israel, which I should point out was elected in free and fair left elections just 2 years ago. But going to demonstrate. And have the violent protests and street. No matter what, no matter what it is. And the demonstrating against the government of Israel. And but what’s bizarre about this is that all of this is happening just 2 days after. Some murdered 6 hostages and they have over 100 still. They they 6 of them in cold blood just
  • 00:02:03
  • before the Israeli soldiers got to them. Wait, this isn’t something that’s just the 2 incidental. You we we have. People demonstrating against Israel’s government when the from a savage is brutally murdered them. In addition to R*****, torturing, be heading. Countless other hostages. I believe it’s a taste of the battered wife syndrome. And which know Israel has been been attacked. For so many decades. And with punching a national trauma. So Mister Reno as the head of the Real Children’s Fund, a deal with those traumas all the time and trying to help the children. But many of the adults suffer from it as well.
  • >> Pushback, though, and ask this question is a possible to be upset with the government of Israel. Or in this case,
  • 00:03:05
  • the prime minister of Israel because they think that he’s not doing enough not be anti Israeli.
  • >> Oh, yes, of course. It’s possible. I just know the history of these protests.
  • >> But that’s 85,000 people by the lowest estimates. You know, you can’t get that many people out on the streets just because you think that president’s policy is bad and if you can, it would seem that that would be an everyday occurrence. But these followed the deaths of those hostages and many of the people, including some of the hostage families themselves, said that they were upset because they did not believe the prime minister was doing enough to facilitate a cease-fire.
  • >> Well, that those cease-fire negotiations have been going on for many months. The 3 weeks ago. The president of the United States said that that Israel except to delay the ceasefire offer. And from
  • 00:04:06
  • us that not and from us has been refusing if using and they been coming to. The negotiations that the American government has been sponsoring. You know, let’s be honest about it. All right. We’re talking about. Sponsored by the slum, regime in Iran. And and you know unfortunately that as I said, there are many Israelis on the far left. And you know, imagine you saw George Floyd riots in America. It’s the same mentality going out and just going wild in the streets right in. But after mind, you. That this government of Israel was elected. But a clear majority of the people.
  • 00:05:09
  • >> I understand what you’re saying you can cope, democracy is making democracy. Makes, you know, takes right. Democracies make the state’s recently learned that from Richard Nixon. But I want to ask you a question because I know I know this debate this debate saying was a democratically elected government and the people that are on the streets are left. Okay. That point has been made.
  • >> But are you convinced that unless there is some massive cease-fire followed by a two-state solution, that this is the beginning of what could be an endless cycle of violence and protest in Israel.
  • >> And then this cycle of violence avoid we. We’ve been recycling that expression for about 5 decades. The there is no endless cycle of violence. Where we talking about? Oslo peace process that promised us that if we if we just give in. Then there’s going to be peace. We have the withdrawal from from from Gaza, the
  • 00:06:12
  • Israeli withdrawal from Gaza in 2005, we promise to use for that. Also. What we’ve got is thousands upon thousands of missiles fired at Israeli cities and then the massacre mess message road of covid 7th you know what? We won’t be fooled again. We won’t be fooled again. We as a people will not be fooled again. And a cease-fire is not the answer. The answer is to win this war just as Winston Churchill said in World War 2, which was the previous just war. And Jesus said very clearly, this is just war. We’re going to win and we’re going to fight until victory. That is the only way we’re up this. Know. And by the way, the 2 state solution would be suicidal fit saloons. So can I ask a question and and look what we’ve been through. We’ve
  • 00:07:13
  • been through Holocaust. But again, got as the starters loan through again, I got asked question before we go. 43,000 people by some estimates.
  • >> And that is a loss estimate. So you can take exception to it. But if you kill somebody is father their brother, their mother, their sister, their aunts, their uncles. There’s a good chance that they’re going to want to rise up against you at some point in time. So without any type of diplomatic solution, is this not then and the cycle of violence? Because those people who died Gaza are not going to view this through the lens that you’re viewing it through.
  • >> Why were protecting us where they’re launching terrorist attacks against us? Between 1948 1967, Y with a launching terror attacks against us in the 1930’s. They’ve been doing it for decades and the they’ve been doing a good way before Israel had any kind of control in Gaza. Israel withdrew from
  • 00:08:13
  • doesn’t completely in 2005. And since then, they’ve been firing rockets against us. At some point, we have to fight back.
  • >> And you know, the old saying and eye for an eye sooner or later, we all go blind.
  • >> Well, maybe we should just. Hang weapons and let them slugger all of us and maybe you and the rest of the world would be very happy about it. But Israel is not going to surrender.
  • >> Mr. Rubin, a thank you very much. Can we continue the conversation because this is not going anywhere anytime soon.
  • >> I’d be happy you. Got it. David Rubin, thanks for being with us.
  • >> As we head to break a live look on the scene in DC the White House press briefing now well underway. Yes, that is press Secretary Jean Pierre taking questions. We’ll take you there live on the other side of the break. And we’re keeping a close eye on Wall Street. The Dow now and in the wrong direction. If you’re thinking that it might post a game before the closing bell in 16 minutes now down almost
  • 00:09:16
  • 2%. We’re back out on the scene in just 3 minutes. A reminder you can always tune into Maine and Wall today and every weekday at 04:00pm Eastern Time. We’re back in 3. (Clicking) I’m Jonathan Lawson. If you’re 50 to 85, I have an important message about security. Write down the number on your screen so you can call when I finish. The lock I want to talk to you about isn’t the one on your door. This is a lock for your life insurance, a rate lock that guarantees that once you’re insured, your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. But be careful. Many policies you see do not have one, but you can get a lifetime rate lock from colonial Penn. Call this number to learn more. This plan was designed with a rate lock for people on a fixed income who want life insurance that fits their budget and is simple to get. Coverage options start at $9.95 a month. Less than 35 cents a day. Act now and your rate will be locked in for life. It will never increase, guaranteed.
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