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Coronavirus to Corona Ejection: USA is a Nation Unprepared

Global pandemics, EMP attack, sudden grid failure: How do we fix that?

Coronavirus is contagion of mysterious origin. We know little about its true origin, how it might mutate, and how to best protect ourselves against the novel plague of 2020. On one hand it is vital to contain the spread of the contagion, but on the other hand, we need to be sensitive to constitutional rights including the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

If we make mandatory mass-containment camps we may be shredding the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights by curtailing liberty. But if we don’t, we might be needlessly exposing U.S. citizens to a plague that may kill millions, thus depriving those citizens of their right to life. There are cruise ships and airliners, each with kissing-close quarters with potential carriers packed in like sardines. 

This one we can’t blame on the capitalist Trump or Socialist Sanders. This one needs to be bipartisan for the sake of the survival of our citizenry. What’s more, the Covid-19 virus is just one of several potential near extinction events what include a coronal ejection from the sun or an EMP attack by a rogue state. So, what’s a nation or its leadership to do?

Joining us with this challenge is Don Trumbull, former owners of an airline, and author of the book, “Safe States.” 


  1. The CDC is currently preparing for a “worst-case scenario”, but what does that mean? 

Answer: First, the best case scenario: The virus (which is new to humans) may run its course and fizzle out in the coming months. Worst-case scenario: Containment and quarantine fail, the virus evolves, and we witness a fast spreading pandemic with exponential death rate worldwide. 

  1. Is this a bio-weapon or is it a natural virus?

Answer: If it is an engineered weapon, it could have these biological traits built in. A slow, inconclusive, less-lethal start to avoid culpability, followed by the unstoppable spread of a catastrophic virus into the global community. If it’s a ‘natural virus’ it will likely behave like the flu or other known maladies.

  1. What is reasonable when it comes to quarantine? Should we lean toward extremely strict quarantines? Or should we lean toward personal liberty?

Answer: Perhaps there is a better 3rd scenario: Self Quarantine in  closed communities, largely in rural areas. My book Safe States focuses on such compartmentalization of society, based on common beliefs and mutual interests.

  1. What do we know about modern day weapons of mass destruction, including biological agents?

Answer: We don’t know what the end game of the coronavirus is yet, or r where it came from, but humans are smart. The pandemic strategy is not only on the table, but it’s likely ready for launch. Whether the Coronavirus is a biological weapon from China, or simply a new variance of the flu, the pandemic strategy, along with many others that exploit our Achilles Heel are on the visible horizon. Nuclear war is becoming a “lose—lose” scenario, so biological and chemical weapons are more likely options.

  1. What other modern war approaches might we be looking at?

Answer: One is the destabilization of a nation’s financial markets. Rapid destabilization is a game changer for a desperate offender, rogue state or even a formidable opponent such as China or Russia. Induce the gradual loss of global markets and national supply chains due to a biological weapon/pandemic quarantine.

Another is the sudden removal of your opponent’s technological infrastructures using the EMP weapon or cyber warfare. Both are clear greatly leveraged and efficient wins for the nations willing to do the crime. I’d suggest we table such expensive projects as climate change concerns and focus on battening down the hatches with regard to new and imminent war scenarios. 

  1. What would it look like if America does  not prepare for these new war scenarios?

Answer: Millions might die and millions more left to fend for themselves under far from ideal circumstances. Think about it. What if the American people were suddenly forced to survive on their own due to rogue EMP attack (or pandemic) that disabled our critical infrastructures, our workforce, and our supply chains? Hundreds of millions could die, so why don’t we have a backup plan? And what if we defended ourselves so that we could survive the temporary loss of our national infrastructures, technology, and freedom of travel?

  1. What if Democrats and Republicans can’t work in a non-partisan way to solve these imminent scenarios?

Answer: Then Safe States is the only solution I know of. I describe it in my book, “Safe States.” Essentially Safe States are prearranged community plans that can secure local supply chains, organize the stranded populace, prevent panic, maintain long-term quarantine (if needed), and save millions from a catastrophic death. As a safety parachute, it can build unity and strength amongst the states that enact it, and it can secure the organized workforce needed to recover from the looming calamities of our modern-day world. Because we’re divided, some states will reject it as wrong, but the others will embrace it as right. Because we’re a Constitutional Republic, America must exercise the will of the people in every state. Sanctuary States and Safe States balance risk, defense, rights, liberty, and freedom the American way.


DON TRUMBULL is an author and a former air carrier president and director of operations. 

Following a ten-year mission exploring the vulnerability of our U.S. air carriers/supply chains to the catastrophic threat of solar flare/electromagnetic pulse, in 2019 his broader findings inspired a civilian countermeasure system called the SAFE STATE Project. 

An achievable on-site defense for individuals, communities, and emergency services, the SAFE STATE countermeasure is a low-cost alternative to hardening the critical infrastructures.


An emotional bridge from fiction to fact. Where a formally suppressed community countermeasure (alternative to hardening the critical infrastructures) is suddenly revealed by a “Trump-like” President, it is then implemented by half the nation — and rejected by the rest. 

In a mirror of America, the ultimate consequences of the deceit, division, and hate we observe today can be seen through a new window – post attack. 

Within the storyline, the readers find a real-world countermeasure that’s been concealed, a terrible threat they haven’t been appropriately warned about, the consequences of no defense, and a reasonable solution to defending our lives, freedom, and the American way. 

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