Special Guests

“Come on in! Illegal Immigrants from 177 Countries Accept Biden’s Invitation to enter” (Guest: Michael Letts)

Proposed Introduction for Host:

“Joining us today is Michael Letts, founder and CEO of InVest USA, an organization dedicated to providing bulletproof vests to police officers and first responders. Michael is here to discuss the recent surge of illegal immigration at the U.S. southern border and its implications for law enforcement and national security. Welcome, Michael.”

Suggested Q&A: 

What are your thoughts on the recent reports that nearly 1.4 million undocumented immigrants from 177 countries have entered the U.S. through Mexico from January to May 2024?

Michael Letts: This unprecedented surge is a direct consequence of the Biden administration’s policies, which have effectively invited mass illegal immigration by signaling leniency and open borders. The sheer number of countries involved highlights the global perception that the U.S. borders are porous and easily breached.

How does this influx of immigrants complicate the work of law enforcement agencies across the country?

Michael Letts: The flood of immigrants overwhelms our social services and law enforcement. With limited resources, officers are stretched thin, dealing with increased crime, overcrowded detention facilities, and the logistical nightmare of processing and deporting individuals from such a vast array of countries.

There have been concerns about the link between immigration and crime. Can you shed some light on this issue?

Michael Letts: While studies may show mixed results on the correlation between immigration and crime, the fact remains that individuals who shouldn’t be in the U.S. in the first place are committing serious crimes. High-profile cases, such as the murders of Rachel Morin and Laken Riley, underscore the risks of uncontrolled immigration.

What challenges do law enforcement officers face in dealing with immigrants from so many different countries?

Michael Letts: Each country has its own requirements and bureaucratic hurdles for repatriating citizens. Identifying and proving the origin of immigrants, many of whom discard their documents, is a daunting task. This complexity slows down the process of deportation and strains our immigration system.

How has the surge in illegal immigration affected local communities, particularly in terms of social services and infrastructure?

Michael Letts: Communities are seeing their resources stretched to the limit. School districts are overcrowded, social services are overwhelmed, and there is a noticeable increase in homelessness. This situation creates tension and affects the quality of life for all residents.

What can be done to address the issues stemming from this immigration surge?

Michael Letts: We need stronger border enforcement, clear and enforceable immigration policies, and adequate support for law enforcement agencies. It’s crucial to send a message that illegal entry into the U.S. will not be tolerated and that our laws will be strictly enforced.

How does this situation impact the safety and morale of law enforcement officers?

Michael Letts: Officers are demoralized by the lack of support and clear policy direction. They face increased danger in their duties and frustration over the revolving door of deportations and re-entries. This impacts their ability to serve and protect effectively.

What role does InVest USA play in supporting law enforcement in these challenging times?

Michael Letts: InVest USA provides essential protective gear, such as bulletproof vests, to officers and first responders. Keep in mind that bullets fired from cartel drug lords penetrate old technology Kevlar vests. Our vests are titanium plated, which stops any bullet. We have countless letters from families of police officers thanking us for saving lives. This equipment is crucial in ensuring their safety, especially as they face heightened risks due to the immigration crisis.

How important is it for the federal government to collaborate with local law enforcement to manage the immigration issue?

Michael Letts: Collaboration is vital. Federal support and clear guidelines can empower local agencies to effectively manage the situation. Without this cooperation, local law enforcement is left to handle an overwhelming problem on their own.

Where can our audience go to support your work or get more information about InVest USA?

Michael Letts: For more information about our initiatives and to support our efforts, please visit InVestUSA.org.

Michael Letts is the founder and CEO of InVest USA, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing bulletproof vests and protective gear to police officers and first responders. With a strong commitment to public safety, Michael is a respected voice on issues of law enforcement, border security, and community safety.

Media Contact:

Jerry McGlothlin, CEO of Special Guests Publicity LLC

Phone: 919-437-0001

Email: jerry@specialguests.com

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