Special Guests

Colorado’s Shelving of Assault Weapons Ban Bill Is a Win For Private Gun Owners

Ontonia Okafar, a bilingual spokeswoman (English/Spanish) with Gun Owners of America explains why Colorado’s Shelving of Assault Weapons Ban Bill reversal is a huge win for American rights.

At a time when many states seem to be making up their own gun laws as they go along, Colorado has taken a somewhat calm approach to defining the rights of gun-owning citizens.

Late last week, lawmakers in the Colorado House of Representatives voted to indefinitely suspend a bill that would have prevented the buying and selling of “assault weapons” in the state. The bill, HB23-1230, was initially introduced following a shooting incident in Boulder a couple of years prior.

Had it passed, the bill would have banned semiautomatic pistols with detachable parts, as well as semi-automatic rifles with modifications. But thanks to a Democrat-controlled House vote of 8-5, the bill will be postponed for some time.

“Colorado spoke up today, loud and clear, and told this legislative body to leave their constitutional rights alone,” Republican House Minority Leader Mike Lynch said in a statement.

Joining us now to discuss this victory is a representative from Gun Owners of America is Ms. Antonia Okafar, whose organization firmly believes in the right for all Americans to bear arms.  


1.    What do you think about the decisions made by Colorado in regards to gun rights, especially in comparison to what’s taken place in other states?

2.    Could this decision possibly show President Biden what could happen if he attempts to pass his “assault weapons” ban that he’s proposing across the country?

3.    What makes gun rights so important to citizens in this country? Is it the rights provided by the Constitution, or something else?

4.    Do you believe other states could possibly follow Colorado’s example? Or will they continue to follow their own path in an effort to control gun violence?

5.    Why do you think more states won’t try a Constitutional-Carry (or Concealed-Carry, as some call it) solution for stopping “active shooters”? We’ve seen examples in the past where it’s proven effective.

6.    Where can we learn more about Gun Owners of America and its members?

Answer: https://GunOwners.org/

CONTACT: Joseph Meza (bilingual) 828-404-1336 joseph.specialguests@gmail.com

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