Special Guests

Colorado Springs Club Q Shooting Suspect Has Pleaded Guilty

FreeFiltering.org’s Michael Lee Mason discusses the fallout from the shooting, as well as the thoughts on Christians believing the victims may have “had it coming.”

The Club Q shooting in Colorado Springs resulted in the death of five people and the injury of 17 others. Now, in the face of that, the suspect behind the shooting has pleaded guilty.

Per this report from The Washington Post, 23 year old Anderson Lee Aldrich pleaded guilty to five counts of first-degree murder and 46 counts of attempted murder. The nonbinary suspect also pleaded no contest to “bias motivated crime.” As a result, he will face five consecutive sentences once the case concludes later this year.

That said, Michael Lee Mason of FreeFiltering.org chose to make a statement about the matter.

“It’s an absolute travesty that 5 souls entered eternity by a brutal murder last November, but ANY murder is at its heart ‘a hate crime’,” he explained in a statement. 

“We are called to love even our enemies, and yet satanically-inspired mass murders at gay nightclubs are often used to paint traditional Christians as hateful bigots that teach their kids to hate members of the LGBTQ community. Nothing could be further from the truth. 

“We Christians mourn the tragic loss of five beautiful human beings created in the image of God and we pray for peace and comfort for the victims’ family members as they endure the trauma of a very public justice proceeding.”

Mason joins us now to discuss the matter further.

  1. What would you say to members of the LGBTQ community who say that Christians who oppose their lifestyle are enflaming anti-LGBTQ violence?
  2. Why do you think 25% of our high school students now identify as LGBTQ?
  3. Should their parents be concerned that they might end up in the cross-hairs of a mass shooting while sneaking out to an LGBTQ club?
  4. What do you think the real motivations are for the mass murderers who go in and shoot up clubs that cater to LGBTQ patrons?
  5. You have noted that there might never have been a shooting had there been no one in the club due to no demand, if yesterday’s children had not been groomed to the point that they grew up to attend gay bars. Elaborate.
  6. Your website, FreeFiltering.org, aims to generate profits for charitable causes. Could you elaborate on why you’ve chosen caring for orphans, conversion therapy, and crisis pregnancy centers as the primary beneficiaries, and what impact you hope to achieve through these donations?
  7. Where can people learn more about FreeFiltering.org?

Simply visit the website at https://freefiltering.org/#LGBTQ.

About Michael Lee Mason…

Michael Lee Mason is the founder of FreeFiltering.org, a service that provides free internet filtering for home Wi-Fi, based on traditional Christian values. The service proudly blocks Pride, Porn, and Pro-Abortion websites, in order to protect kids from being groomed into a life of sin. Before beginning his entrepreneurial career, he was the lead singer in the Air Force’s premier country band in Washington, D.C., where he performed for the President, Supreme Court Justices, and senior military brass. 

A veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom & Operation Iraqi Freedom, he entertained deployed troops around the world. After discovering his home internet filters were not protecting his children from websites devoted to normalizing sin, he went looking for an alternative solution. Finding no one willing to admit that they blocked socially-acceptable sin, he developed a solution to help families fight back.

CONTACT: To schedule an interview, call Jerry McGlothlin at 919-437-0001 or by email at: geraldmcg@outlook.com.

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