Special Guests

CNN’s Chris Cuomo Says You Don’t Need Help from Above

Intro: In a recent TV commentary, CNN’s Chris Cuomo recently said, “If you believe in one another and if do the right thing for yourself and your community, things will get better in this country. You don’t need help from above.”

But according to biblical scholar and cultural commentator Dr. Michael Brown, left to ourselves we will self-destruct, from gun violence in our cities to all-out war on our streets. Without God’s help, America as we know it will cease to exist.


Question 1: Why do you find Chris Cuomo’s comments so troubling?

Answer: Really, at a time like this, when America is experiencing one of her worst crises in history, and with intangible things like a pandemic to deal with – things really beyond our control – to say that “we’ve got this” is to display as much ignorance as arrogance.

Question 2: So, do we do nothing and just pray for help?

Answer: Of course not. God expects us to do what we can. But Cuomo could have simply said, “Let’s do everything we know how to do, and then let’s get on our knees and realize that the ultimate solution to America’s problems lies outside of ourselves.”

Question 3: How do you think the current chaos will affect the 2020 elections?

Answer: Broadly speaking, Cuomo’s mentality of “We can handle this and we don’t need God (or the church)” sounds a lot like an all-too-common mentality among Democrats today. It seems the Republicans are much more pro-church, recognizing these religious gatherings as essential services in cities. So, the election might come down to a vote of whether we need God or not.

Question 4: How does your new book, “Evangelicals at the Crossroads: Will We Pass the Trump Test?,” relate to these issues?

Answer: Among other things in the book, I address the question of whether God uniquely raised up Donald Trump, the most unlikely candidate to be supported by evangelicals, but yet one who continues to surround himself by evangelical Christians. This accentuates the pro-God, anti-God contrast between the parties.

Michael L. Brown, PhD, is founder and president of AskDrBrown Ministries and president of FIRE School of Ministry. The author of more than thirty-five books, he is also the host of the nationally syndicated daily talk radio show The Line of Fire, as well as the host of shows on GOD TV, NRBTV, and METV. His syndicated columns appear on many leading websites, and his scholarly publications range from biblical commentaries to articles in Semitic journals and theological dictionaries. He has served as an adjunct or visiting professor at seven leading seminaries and has debated gay activists, agnostic professors, and Orthodox rabbis on university campuses.

CONTACT: Rachel Ford rford.specialguests@gmail.com or Jerry McGlothlin 919-437-0001 jerry@specialguests.com 

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