Special Guests

Chicago Congressional Candidate Proposes Reparations to be paid by the Democrat Party (Guest: Chad Koppie)

Interview Opportunity with Chad Koppie, Candidate for Illinois’ 7th Congressional District

Proposed Introduction for Host:

“Joining us today is an individual who is calling for reparations to be paid for to Black Americans for our national sin of slavery.

His name is Chad Koppie, a Republican candidate running for Congress in Chicago in Illinois’ 7th Congressional District. So, why would a conservative Republican want to pay reparations out of taxpayer money? He doesn’t. He wants it paid by the Democrat Party!

With a background as a self-taught pilot who become the seniormost captain for a major airline, Chad is bringing fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to the table. Today, we’ll be discussing his bold proposals for reparations and economic reform. Welcome, Chad.”

Suggested Interview Questions:

Chad, your platform includes a call for slavery reparations for Black Americans, except you don’t want reparations paid from taxpayer money. Instead, you want the Democrat Party to pay for it. Tell us about that. 

Would you share your thoughts on the current state of our nation’s leadership and how it inspired you to run for Congress?

You have a unique background, having taught yourself to fly in a farmer’s field in Chicago suburban Elgin, Illinois. How has this experience shaped your approach to problem-solving and leadership?

One of the critical issues you aim to address is the Federal Reserve system. Can you explain your proposal for supporting blockchain money like Bitcoin as a form of honest money?

In the even that the Democrat Party refuses to pay reparations to Black Americans, can you elaborate on your ‘Plan B’ that proposes to use cryptocurrency to fund these reparations?

How do you respond to critics who might say that your ideas are too radical or untested?

Given the predominantly Black demographic of Illinois’ 7th Congressional District, how do you plan to build trust and support among your constituents?

Your opponent, Danny Davis, is a liberal African-American who has been an entrenched incumbent in Chicago for years. You are a white conservative running for Congress in a nearly total Black district. How are you  being received by your largely Black constituency? 

You mentioned that the grievances of Black Americans need to be addressed. What specific steps do you propose to ensure that these grievances are properly recognized and acted upon?

How does your proposal for economic reform aim to counteract the inflationary trends we are seeing today?

You have highlighted the devaluation of the dollar since 1940. Can you provide more details on how your plan will stabilize and strengthen our economy?

What role do you see for blockchain technology in the future of American finance and governance?

How do you propose to implement your plan for economic reform and reparations if elected to Congress?

How do you envision the future of the Republican Party in addressing issues of economic reform and social justice?

Chad Koppie is running for Congress in Illinois’ 7th Congressional District. He is the only Republican candidate certified on the ballot by the Illinois Election Commission. A self-taught pilot and the seniormost pilot for a major airline, Chad Koppie brings a wealth of experience and a commitment to innovative solutions. Chad lives in west suburban Chicago in Gilberts, Illinois.

Media Contact:

Jerry McGlothlin

Phone: 919-437-0001

Email: jerry@specialguests.com

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