Special Guests

Celebrating 1 Year Since the Dobbs Case Overturned Abortion: A Transformation in American Society (Guest: Allan Parker)

Allan Parker, President of The Justice Foundation and Lead Counsel on the Dobbs Case, speaks about the one-year mark and what comes next.

A year has passed since the historic Dobbs case overturned Roe vs. Wade, setting off a seismic shift in America’s conversation on abortion rights. Allan Parker, one of the amicus parties in the Supreme Court Dobbs Case who urged the Court to reverse Roe V. Wade, presents a compelling argument about the societal and psychological benefits America is experiencing following the reversal.

Discussion Points:

The Human Cost: Allan will share gripping testimonies from 2,249 women, represented in the Dobbs case, who suffered psychological trauma from abortion procedures facilitated by Roe v. Wade, reinforcing why women are better off avoiding abortion.

The Legal Landscape: He will discuss the need to make abortion illegal across all 50 states and how this legal transformation will better serve all of society, especially women.

The Journey to Overturn Roe v. Wade: As the lead counsel on five briefs in the Dobbs case, Allan is poised to discuss the details of this landmark case, paving the way for his soon-to-be-released book, “Reversing Roe v. Wade: My Journey With Roe, Doe, and God”.

Further Discussion Points:

Abortion and Its Impact on Women: Elaborating on how abortion isn’t a trauma-free, risk-free solution to unplanned pregnancy and the deep, devastating ways it can impact women

The Safe Haven Alternative: Shedding light on Safe Haven laws in all 50 states, which allow women to anonymously hand over their newborns to hospitals, offering a humane alternative to abortion.

Abortion as a Crime Against Humanity: Exploring the moral implications and why he argues that abortion is a crime against humanity.

The Adoption Argument: Tackling the argument of “what will happen to all these children?” with data showing one to two million families are waiting to adopt every year, suggesting a solution for women considering abortion.

About Allan Parker…

Allan Parker, President of The Justice Foundation, represents Melinda Thybault, the Co-Founder of The Moral Outcry Petition, acting on behalf of over 500,000 Signers. www.themoraloutcry.com. He also represents thousands of women hurt by abortion. See www.operationoutcry.org. Mr. Parker represented Norma McCorvey, formerly “Roe” of Roe v. Wade, and Sandra Cano, the “Doe” of Doe v. Bolton., in their efforts to overturn the two landmark cases that brought legalized abortion on demand to America.  He has taught at St. Mary’s University School of Law and has been a Visiting Professor at the University of Texas and studied International Human Rights at the International Human Rights Institute in Strasbourg, France. He taught International Human Rights at the St. Mary’s Institute on World Legal Problems in Innsbruck, Austria in 1992.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin at geraldmcg@Outlook.com, or 919-437-0001.

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