Between July 1 and November, nearly one in every five ammunition purchases was rejected by the California Department of Justice, the figures show. An Op-Ed in the Sacramento Bee about the fiasco created by a background check requirement for ammunition purchases in California should serve as a warning for Washington State gun owners, and gun owners across the nation, who need to become activists as 2020 unfolds. Anti-gun activists across the country could create a similar mess for all gun owners.
Writing in the Bee, Holly Heyser, communications director for California Waterfowl, recalled how during the first four months of the ammo background check law in her state, “the checks thwarted 101 ammunition purchases by prohibited persons, and a staggering 62,000 purchases by people who had every right to buy ammunition.”
The real purpose of California’s law and other gun prohibition lobby agendas are not so much to prevent bad guys from getting guns and ammunition as it is to discourage law-abiding citizens from exercising their right to keep and bear arms, activists suspect. As noted by Heyser, “Don’t see any problem with people having to wait weeks to buy ammo? We do. Hunting seasons are finite. If you don’t have ammo, you can’t go hunting. On the eve of the state’s first bird seasons, hunting license sales plummeted, and they had not rebounded by Dec. 1. People gave up.”
Getting honest citizens to “give up” is the end game.
Although anti-gun activists would have us believe stricter gun control laws translate into a safer environment, keeping ‘bad guys’ from having access to guns, there is no evidence of these stricter laws have any positive impact on crime statistics. In fact, there is evidence to the contrary. In recent news, despite being in a state with some of the toughest gun laws in the nation, Baltimore, Maryland is rolling up another staggering body count for a city its size, suggesting that gun control is a dismal failure.
Ammunition Regulation State by State:
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ABOUT MARK WALTERS (in Eastern Time):
Mark Walters is a national board member of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and a broadcast media spokesman for the Second Amendment Foundation.
Recipient of the 2015 Gun Rights Defender of the Year Award, Mark Walters is a weekly national columnist for Ammoland, and author of three books, Lessons from Armed America with Kathy Jackson: foreword by Massad Ayoob, Lessons from Unarmed America with Rob Pincus: foreword by Ted Nugent, and Grilling While Armed.
Mark is the host of two nationally syndicated talk radio programs, Armed American Radio, and Armed American Radio’s Daily Defense heard on hundreds of radio stations across the country, six days per week. In addition,
Mark has appeared on national and international radio and television on gun-related stories and is a popular podium speaker on firearms topics.
Mark is a husband and father of two children and resides in Georgia with his family.
Dave Workman is an award-winning career journalist and senior editor of (formerly Gun Week). He also writes for Liberty Park Press, Conservative Firing Line and several firearms periodicals. He is also the communications director for the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
He has authored Op-Ed pieces in several major newspapers including the Chicago Tribune, Seattle Times and Atlanta Journal-Constitution. He has also co-authored seven books with Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation.
Workman’s beat is firearms, from politics to the outdoors. He is widely considered an authority on firearms, concealed carry and gun politics.
Alan is a strong advocate of defense. He’s a nuclear engineering graduate of the University of Tennessee, publisher of Gun Week, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and Founder of the Second Amendment Foundation. He also serves on the Board of Directors of the American Conservative Union.
The Second Amendment Foundation ( is the nation’s oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 650,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control.