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“Biden has no more right to demand Israel give away land to Hamas than Cuba has the right to annex Florida!” So says Israel Mayor David Rubin

Guest Profile: David Rubin, Former Mayor of Shiloh, Israel

David Rubin, a staunch advocate for Israel and a seasoned speaker on geopolitical challenges and historical contexts, brings a unique and imperative perspective to today’s global dialogue. As the former mayor of Shiloh, Israel, Rubin possesses firsthand knowledge and insights into the intricacies of Israel’s security, its right to defend its borders, and the effects of international decisions on its sovereignty.

In the context of the UN Security Council’s recent call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza—a call not countered by a US veto, as has been historical precedent in support of Israel—there’s been a notable shift in international relations dynamics. The resolution, combined with the United States’ decision to abstain, signifies a significant deviation from the longstanding alliance between Israel and the US. These developments have sparked concerns over Israel’s capacity to protect its borders against pressures to cede territory.

David Rubin tackles this subject from a conservative, pro-Israel standpoint, dissecting both the historical foundations and the present-day challenges Israel faces in maintaining its sovereignty and security. Rubin aims to remind the global community of the UN’s unanimous decision in 1947 to re-establish Israel as a nation, juxtaposing this with current attempts to compromise Israel’s territorial integrity.

Mayor Rubin posits that the demands for Israel to surrender territory to Hamas, recognized as a terrorist organization by the United States and other countries, are as baseless as Cuba’s hypothetical claim to annex Florida. Moreover, Rubin emphasizes that the proposed ceasefire, viewed by many as a step towards a two-state solution, could potentially serve as a genocidal transition to what has been ominously referred to as a ‘final solution’, undermining the existence and security of the Jewish state in its ancestral homeland.

Key Points:

Historical Context: Revisiting the 1947 UN decision supporting Israel’s establishment, underlining its legal and historical claim to sovereignty.

Contemporary Geopolitical Tensions: Examining the recent UN Security Council resolutions and the US’s abstention, exploring their repercussions on Israel’s security and its inherent right to self-defense.

Sovereignty and Security: Critiquing the rationale behind demands for Israel to relinquish control over strategic territories, emphasizing the critical importance of maintaining defensible borders for national security.

International Policy and Relations: Assessing the shift in stance by the international community, notably the actions of the UN and the US, and their impact on Israel’s stance against aggressions.

Strategies for Navigating Geopolitical Challenges: Proposing ways Israel can maneuver through these geopolitical challenges while reinforcing its sovereignty and right to defend itself.

David Rubin’s argument draws a compelling comparison between the unjust demands placed on Israel and an absurd hypothetical involving Cuba and Florida, underlining the importance of recognizing and respecting sovereign nations’ rights to defend their borders and make decisions free from unreasonable international pressure. Furthermore, Rubin alerts to the grave implications of the proposed ceasefire and its potential to lead to a perilous and existential crisis for Israel, framing it as a critical juncture that could determine the future survival of the Jewish state.

At the end of the interview, please consider this:

Tell us about your work at Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, where you offer healing to children from the trauma of terrorism and how we may help you in your work.
You can visit the following websites:
www.IsraelChildren.org (treating the victims of terror)
www.DavidRubinIsrael.com (to find out more about David’s many books)
www.ConfrontingRadicals.com (the movie)

About David Rubin…

David Rubin, former Mayor of Shiloh Israel, is the author of seven books, including his latest, Confronting Radicals: What America Can Learn from Israel, which has recently been made into a movie. Rubin is the founder and president of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, established after he and his then three-year-old son were wounded in a terror attack.

MEDIA CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin 919-437-0001 or geraldmcg@outlook.com

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