Special Guests

Bad Economic Numbers For Joe Biden Leave Some People Wondering If There’s an End In Sight For Inflation (Guest: Ron Paul)

While inflation numbers are at an all-time high right now – particularly with gas and house pricing – there is one thing that appears to be dropping. And that’s President Joe Biden’s approval numbers.

A recent Economic Confidence Index number gathered by the team at Gallup suggest that the current president sits at -45 for the month of May. Considering that +100 is very good and -100 is very bad, it indicates that most Americans aren’t happy with what Biden has been trying to do with the economy.

While Biden has been trying to work on a new inflation plan, he’s also been heavily involved in trying to place the blame on its increases. While he’s mentioned Russia’s Ukraine invasion on a few occasions, he’s also been pointing the finger at “greedy” corporations, believing they’ve been hiking prices intentionally.

It leaves many wondering what exactly will happen with inflation in the year ahead, especially with rumors about a pending recession taking place in 2023.

With us today to discuss the matter further is former Congressman Ron Paul, who’s been watching the economic scene since the start of inflation earlier this year. He currently serves as a spokesperson for Birch Gold, a company that specializes in precious metal investments.

  1. Where do you believe the blame really lies when it comes to how things are going with the inflation? Or are there several factors that are leading to these heightened prices?
  2. Some corporations believe President Biden simply isn’t listening when it comes to learning more about why they’re hiking prices. Do you believe this is the case?
  3. There’s been talk about a pending recession in 2023. Could this current situation get any better before this takes place? Or do you think Americans should start preparing for the worst now?
  4. What do you believe could’ve been done to avoid the inflation situation? Or was it inevitable with today’s markets?
  5. You are currently a spokesperson for Birch Gold Group, a tangible assets company that specializes in selling gold and silver coins. Do you believe that some Americans should consider investing in these considering the state of the current market?
  6. Where can we learn more about possible precious metals investments and what value they hold on the market today?
  7. Those interested can visit http://www.birchgold.com.

ABOUT FORMER CONGRESSMAN RON PAUL:                                              

Dr. Ron Paul is a former Republican congressman from the 22nd congressional district of Texas. Ron Paul espoused strong conservative and Libertarian positions, including maintaining a fiscally responsible government. Before his involvement in the political arena, Dr. Paul was a physician. He is active as a writer and spokesperson for organizations representing his core beliefs, including honest money. He is currently conducting a media tour for Birch Gold Group.

CONTACT: To schedule an interview with Ron Paul, call Jerry McGlothlin of SpecialGuests.com at 919-437-0001 or by email at jerry@specialguests.com

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(Ron Paul is available for TV interviews only.)

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