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Avatar May Be Ready To Dominate Theaters Again This Weekend, But How’s Its Legacy Stand Compared To Films Made With Heart and Soul? (Guest: Marty Roberts and Jimmy Womble)

The writers/directors of Running the Bases weigh in on making a memorable film experience to cherish for years to come.

James Cameron’s 2009 adventure Avatar will return to theaters this weekend for a limited engagement, in the hopes of driving up hype for its upcoming sequel Avatar: The Way of Water. But in the face of its release, some people are wondering just what kind of long-term legacy it’ll be building.

Sure, there are Disney rides at Animal Kingdom, and there’s no doubt a large audience that will likely see the movie in the most 3D way they can; but some are wondering just how its legacy will stand against films that stand the test of time with a memorable story and characters.

Among those are Christian films, which are gathering more popularity in theaters. Coming off the success of such films as I Still Believe and Fireproof, directors Marty Roberts and Jimmy Womble have begun making an impact with their sports-themed Running the Bases. It tells the story of a conflicted baseball coach trying to win a championship with a new school, but facing scrutiny for his belief in Christianity.

The two directors made the film their way, without major Hollywood support; and while it may not have the towering box office success of Avatar, it’s making its own impact with a growing audience and strong word-of-mouth, along with a recent top ten box office placement as of Wednesday. What’s more, its themes could make it a film worth viewing for years to come – with themes that are a bit easier to take than skinny blue aliens causing explosions.

Here now to speak on the film are Roberts and Womble, and how they believe its legacy will last longer than many expect.


  1. Do you believe a film’s success is measured by box office alone? We’ve seen a number of hits over the years, but there are some movies that people just don’t talk about anymore.
  2. It seems some studios are more focused on “meeting the bottom line” instead of delivering films with meaningful messages. Is this just part of their business machine, or could it just be more motivation for filmmakers to take their own independent route?
  3. You’ve had some experience trying to get Running the Bases made through a major studio. Tell us more about it, and why you eventually decided to go your own way when it came to making the film.
  4. It seems to have some strong box office numbers going into its second week, along with good word-of-mouth. How has the feedback been for the film so far, you think?
  5. Do you believe there are other stories to be told with films such as this? Are you two eager to step back into the writer and director’s chairs to tell another story? Or are you seeing how this one goes?
  6. Some people appreciate older movies, including “cult classics,” as they’re deemed, mainly because they’re so fun to revisit? What is it about these films that make them stand out over huge $200 million CGI-laden productions?
  7. Where can people learn more about the film and where they’ll be able to see it?
    1. You can watch the trailer and visit runningthebasesmovie.com to find out where the movie is playing near you. 

GUESTS: Marty Roberts or Jimmy Womble. AVAILABILITY: Immediate

MARTY ROBERTS – Executive Producer / Director / Writer

Filmmaker Marty Roberts
Marty Roberts, a co-founder of UP2U Films, is the recipient of multiple Telly Awards and Communicator Awards for his high-quality productions. He’s worked with PBS, CBS, NBC, and Fox Sports. His artistic video worksharness the turmoil of life’s journey to shine new light into a dark world and plant seeds of grace in households across the nation. 

As one of the directors of the 2022 feature film “Running the Bases” (Brett Varvel, American Underdog, Gigi Orsillo, Family Camp), which opened Sept. 2022 in more than 1000 cinemas, this North Dallas native longs to leave a legacy of healing and draws on his deep spirituality to inspire his work. 

Learn more at Marty’s IMDb site: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3827693/?ref_=nv_sr_2

JIMMY WOMBLE – Director / Writer

Filmmaker Jimmy WombleIn 1989, Jimmy Womble began a 20-year career in the mail room of corporate giant Electronic Data Systems (EDS). He soon worked his way up to working in the EDS broadcast studio, learning how to produce, direct and edit video. He honed his skills to the point where he worked directly with the CEO. Jimmy’s ability to evoke emotion often left clients in tears, puzzling some of his co-workers.

In 2009, Jimmy founded his company, Womble Media Productions, producing marketing and training videos for Fortune 500 companies, as well as producing motorsports content. He has received numerous awards as a producer, director, writer, and editor.

Jimmy Womble is a writer/director of the feature film “Running the Bases” (Brett Varvel, American Underdog, Gigi Orsillo, Family Camp), which opened Sept. 2022 in more than 1000 cinemas. 

MEDIA CONTACTS: Tamara Colbert, c: 626-244-5571; e: tamara@ohsweetliberty.com; or Jerry McGlothlin, 919-437-0001 or jerry@specialguests.com

(Screener available upon request.) 

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