Special Guests

Jeopardy for Jews (Guest: David Rubin)

What would a Cacklin’ Kamala Presidency Mean for Israel?

The Democrat Party has chosen its side. It supports Hamas, (Palestinian wing of the Muslim Brotherhood), gender mutilation, and abortion. As such, a Kamala Harris presidency would only further the goal of those who seek the extermination of all Jews on the planet.

Donald Trump has chosen a side too. He has chosen to support Israel and the Jewish people. David Rubin, former mayor of Shiloh Israel and author of the book Trump and the Jews says the contrast between the Trump / Vance ticket and the Harris / Walz ticket could not be starker. In fact, the two tickets are shaping up as a proxy war for terrorists vs. civilized nations.

A Kamala Harris presidency represents a drastic shift towards policies that critics argue could embolden extremist factions and undermine key alliances. Harris’s association with progressive policies perceived as hostile to traditional allies of the U.S. could alienate Israel and weaken the strong, historic partnership between the two nations. Her stance on various issues, including support for groups and ideologies opposed to Israeli interests, might further exacerbate tensions in the region.

In contrast, Donald Trump’s administration has demonstrated unwavering support for Israel, including recognizing Jerusalem as its capital and backing key security measures. David Rubin’s insights highlight how the Trump/Vance ticket is not just a political choice but a stand for stability and security in the Middle East. The upcoming election is increasingly viewed as a referendum on whether the U.S. will continue to be a staunch ally of Israel or shift towards a policy framework that could potentially jeopardize the safety and sovereignty of Jewish communities worldwide. The implications of this choice will resonate far beyond domestic politics, affecting international relations and the global fight against terrorism.

Book an interview with David Rubin, former Mayor of Shiloh Israel

Answers (Jeopardy Style):

  1. Answer:  This Presidency would be a disaster for Israel. Question: What would a Kamala Harris Presidency mean for Israel?
  2. Answer: Her ignorance about the Middle East is matched by her knee-jerk left-wing radicalism. Question: Who is Kamala Harris?
  3. Answer: The pretentious so-called border czar has never been to the border of Gaza, from where hundreds of Hamas terrorists and civilians invaded Israel on October 7th, carrying out the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. Question: Who is Kamala Harris?
  4. Answer: She has expressed consistent support for the “passion” of the radical Muslims and far-left anarchists who have been staging anti-Semitic demonstrations, most recently outside the DNC in Chicago. Question: Who is Kamala Harris?
  5. Answer: This person has a long list of pro-Israel accomplishments, including halting aid to the Palestinian Authority which pays salaries to terrorists, moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, and recognizing the Golan Heights as part of Israel. Question: Who is Donald Trump
  6. How should U.S. political parties address the issue of anti-Israel sentiments and terrorism in their platforms and public statements to avoid hypocrisy and ensure clarity?


David Rubin is the former mayor of Shiloh, Israel, founder of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, a charity providing support for child victims of terrorism. Mayor Rubin is an expert on Middle Eastern affairs and is a noted author of many books, including “Trump and The Jews”. David has written extensively on the geopolitical dynamics of the region and is a frequent commentator on popular radio and television news outlets. Rubin’s insights are grounded in his direct experience and deep understanding of the historical and political landscape of the Middle East.

The Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund was established to heal the trauma of children who have been victims of terrorist attacks. We provide therapeutic, educational, and recreational programs to help these children regain a sense of normalcy. For more information or to support our work, please visit [Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund] (https://www.shilohisraelchildren.org).

CONTACT: Todd Baumann of Special Guests Publicity

512-966-0983 / Todd@SpecialGuests.com

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