Special Guests

All Eyes on Michelle Obama? (Guest: Troy Anderson)

As Biden Resigns, Democrat Party Plots its Next BIG MOVE

If you thought Biden’s polling in a race with Donald Trump was bad, Vice President Kamala Harris does far worse. The Democrats are desperate for a solution to Trump. What will they do? Kamala is wallowing in a sea of unpopularity.

What will the Democrats do and what will their convention look like?

Of all Options for the Democrats’ 2024 ticket, which WILL be different from its 2020 ticket, Michelle Obama polls the best against Trump. While the former first partner has expressed a reticence to return to the White House, the powers of persuasion can be strong, and she may find herself drafted by her own party.

Are we on the brink of a Harris / Obama ticket?

“Many people have speculated that we are coming to the end of Barack Obama’s third term,” says Troy Anderson, “If Michelle is on the ticket, it could represent Barack’s fourth term. If she runs for president in 2028, it could be the start of the Obamas’ 5th and 6th terms.”

Anderson, author of the new book, The Trump Code, asks the question, “If you think that scenario is crazy, what if I told you that a novel written in 1890 may be crazier if not for the voluminous number of parallels to the political landscape that exists right now?”

In the 1890 novel, author Ingersoll Lockwood writes about the eerie similarities between a (fictitious?) character named Baron Trump, who is mentored by a wealthy man named “Don” from 5th Avenue in New York City.

“The parallels don’t end there,” says Anderson. “That’s just the beginning.”


  1. Donald Trump continues to surge in polling. Now that the Democrat ticket is GOING to change, what are the best and worst options for the Democrats – and Trump?
  2. What kind of drama do you see playing out at next month’s Democrat convention?
  3. How does what we’re seeing play out right now further reinforce or challenge the parallels you’ve identified in a book written over a century ago
  4. You actually have a new book called The Trump Code. Tell us more about it and what inspired you to write it.
  5. What makes someone who reads your book think that a novel from 1890 is relevant to today?
  6. You assert that there are many parallels between real political life today and a fictional work written in the 1800’s. Why do these strike you as more than mere coincidences?
  7. What do you mean by the term Trump Code?
  8. Where can those interested in reading The Trump Code find it?
    1. It’s available in paperback and Kindle form over on Amazon.
  9. Where can we learn more about you in general?
    1. You can visit my official website at http://www.troyanderson.us.

About Troy Anderson…

Troy Anderson is a Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist and coauthor of the bestsellers The Babylon CodeTrumpocalypse, and The Military Guide to Armageddon. The vice president and COO of Battle-Ready Ministries, Anderson lives with his family in Irvine, California.

CONTACT: To schedule an interview, contact Todd Baumann of Special Guests PR Agency at 512-966-0983 or jerry@specialguests.com.

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