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Aftershocks: Christians Entering a New Era of Global Crisis – What Would Jesus Do?

Jeff Kinley

In a time of global upheaval and uncertainty, the new book “Aftershocks” by author Jeff Kinley reveals predictions made thousands of years ago about our current chaotic dispensation ladened with pandemics, economic chaos, natural disasters, and political strife. Sounds familiar. 

In the present, we are dealing with issues of mass violence, a global pandemic and government overreach. With that, we are bound to ask, “what would Jesus do?”

Kinley talks about the end times and prophecies in his new book, specifically Biblical prophecy as it relates to the end times. Regardless of your religious persuasion, we all have something in common – the future.

Here to discuss questions about our current situation as well as Biblical prophecy in the future is Jeff Kinley who in his book “Aftershocks” predicts a one world government ruled in the end by a man of perdition.

  1. If Jesus is peace loving, why do conservative Christians tend to support the second amendment?
  2. Would Jesus buy an assault rifle?
  3. Why do many conservative Christians refuse to take the vaccine? I read an article that said Franklin Graham said “Jesus would take the vaccine.” What do you think about this?
  4. What is the conservative Christian’s response to government overreach? Specifically in regards to over-taxation and gun control?
  1. If Christians are supposed to do good in the world, why shouldn’t those who make over 400,000 per year give more to the collective good?

About Jeff Kinley…

Jeff Kinley received his ThM from the Dallas Theological Seminary. Jeff has authored over 30 books and speaks across the country. His ministry equips churches and Christians to discern the times. Jeff’s weekly Vintage Truth podcasts are heard in over 80 countries. He and his wife live in Little Rock and have three grown sons. 

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