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After 18 Months of Violence Targeting Pro-life Entities, FBI Finally Deems Attacks “Domestic Terrorism.” Still Zero Convictions, Pregnancy Center CEO Wants Answers

Rev. Jim Harden is questioning the accountability of the bureau, following a lack of action in the firebombing of one of his pro-life medical offices in Buffalo, injuring two firefighters.

Tired of not seeing any sort of federal legal action against those that firebombed pro-life CompassCare medical office in June of 2022, CEO Rev. Jim Harden has opted to take matters into his own hands. 

On October 5, CompassCare filed a lawsuit against a ring leader and vandal that attacked the pregnancy center, using the same FACE Act that has been used almost exclusively to undermine the 1st amendment rights peaceful pro-lifers in favor of abortionists.

But Harden is not stopping there. He’s asking for action against the Federal Bureau of Investigation, since they’ve done very little to investigate the attack – or, for that matter, the hundreds of other attacks against pro-life entities. In fact, he feels their bias in favor of abortionists is hard to ignore.

Rev. Harden believes it is time to play hard ball saying, “”The FBI is playing fast and loose with the Constitutional Rule of Law and requires a regime change, impeachments of Christopher Wray and his boss AG Merrick Garland, funding restrictions until FBI corruption can be uncovered, and specific indictments of key leaders for violations of the third KKK Act of 1871, USC 42 section 1986.”

Harden joins us now to discuss the matter further.


  1. Tell us about the FACE Act lawsuit filed against the vandals of the Buffalo CompassCare center.
  2. How will justice happen for attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers?
  3. Why is the FBI so imbalanced?
  4. Is New York Governor Kathy Hochul helping influence the FBI in their decision making?
  5. What are you looking for in terms of resolution, both for the vandals and the FBI?
  6. Where can people go to learn more about CompassCare and what your team is doing?

a. They can visit our official website at CompassCareCommunity.com.

About Rev. Jim Harden:

Rev. James Harden, M.Div., is CEO of firebombed pro-life medical network, CompassCare. He has one wife and ten children.

Rev. Harden says, “Money follows morality.” He is raising the alarm regarding corruption in federal law enforcement and public policy in a post-Roe America. He writes extensively on medical ethics, executive leadership, and pro-life strategy, predicting Dobbs in 2018 and the death of the “Red Wave” in 2022.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin at: geraldmcg@outlook.com or 919-437-0001.

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