Special Guests

America’s Imminent War and the Dark Forces Against Trump (Guest: Mark Biltz)

2nd Assassination Attempt Shows Establishment WILL NOT ALLOW Trump to be Re-Elected

Donald Trump’s second assassination attempt is emblematic of a larger, more insidious plot by dark forces aiming to undermine American stability and democracy. In a time marked by unprecedented political and social turbulence, the nation stands on the precipice of a devastating conflict, precipitated by a convergence of uprisings, illegal immigration, and radical ideologies. The forces arrayed against Trump CANNOT ALLOW him to win the election and take office.

Mark Biltz, renowned for his insightful commentary on geopolitical and prophetic matters, draws on his deep understanding of current events to paint a chilling picture of America’s future. He contends that the recent assassination attempt against Trump is not an isolated incident but rather a manifestation of a larger, orchestrated effort by malevolent actors determined to thwart his re-election and destabilize the nation.

Biltz argues that America is teetering on the edge of an unprecedented crisis, fueled by multiple converging threats. He points to the rise of violent uprisings across the country, which he believes are not merely spontaneous outbursts but rather the result of deliberate incitement by those who seek to dismantle the existing order. These uprisings, according to Biltz, are a precursor to a broader conflict, as they are designed to create chaos and weaken the nation’s ability to respond effectively.

Illegal immigration, Biltz argues, is another critical factor contributing to America’s instability. He suggests that the current surge in illegal immigration is being used as a strategic maneuver by those who wish to overwhelm the nation’s resources and infrastructure. This, in turn, exacerbates social and economic tensions, making the country more vulnerable to internal strife and external threats.

Islamic radicalism, according to Biltz, is yet another dark force threatening America’s security. He asserts that radical Islamic factions are actively working to undermine American values and institutions. This radical element, he argues, is not only engaged in violent acts but is also deeply embedded in efforts to influence and manipulate public opinion and policy.

The culmination of these forces, Biltz believes, is a concerted effort to prevent Trump from securing a second term. He posits that the dark forces he describes are determined to see Trump fail, viewing his presidency as an obstacle to their broader agenda. The assassination attempts against Trump are, in Biltz’s view, a stark indication of the lengths to which these forces are willing to go to achieve their goals.

Considering these threats, Biltz’s analysis serves as a call to action for Americans to recognize the gravity of the situation and to prepare for the potential repercussions. He urges citizens to be vigilant and to understand the deeper, more sinister motivations driving the current wave of unrest and violence. According to Biltz, the nation’s response to these threats will be crucial in determining whether it can navigate the storm ahead or succumb to the forces working to unravel its social and political fabric.

Mark Biltz’s perspective offers a sobering glimpse into the potential future of America, characterized by significant upheaval and conflict. His warning about the dark forces arrayed against Trump and the nation highlights the urgent need for awareness and resilience in the face of growing threats. As America stands at this critical juncture, Biltz’s insights provide a crucial framework for understanding the complex dynamics at play and the potential consequences for the future of the nation.

  1. In your view, how do you differentiate between genuine threats to American stability and the possibility of exaggerated or misinterpreted events? What criteria do you use to assess the severity and authenticity of these threats?
  2. You suggest that the recent assassination attempt against Donald Trump is part of a larger, orchestrated effort by dark forces. What evidence supports this claim, and how do you distinguish these orchestrated actions from isolated incidents or unrelated events?
  3. How do you see the role of violent uprisings in the context of your broader analysis? Are there specific incidents or patterns that you believe indicate these uprisings are deliberately incited?
  4. Regarding illegal immigration, you argue that it is being used strategically to destabilize the nation. Can you elaborate on how you believe this strategy is being implemented and its anticipated impact on American society and infrastructure?
  5. Your analysis includes concerns about Islamic radicalism. How do you distinguish between radical elements and the broader Muslim community? What evidence is there that Islamic radicalism is significantly influencing American values and institutions?
  6. You suggest that the forces opposing Trump are aiming to prevent him from securing a second term. How do you think these forces perceive Trump as an obstacle, and what specific actions are they taking to achieve this goal?
  7. In light of your concerns about potential conflicts and internal strife, what measures do you believe Americans should take to prepare for or mitigate these risks? What role do you see for public awareness and individual action in addressing these threats?
  8. Considering the convergence of uprisings, illegal immigration, and radical ideologies you describe, how do you propose that the U.S. government and institutions respond effectively to these multifaceted challenges while maintaining democratic principles and social cohesion?

About Pastor Mark Biltz…

Pastor Mark Biltz is the founder and Senior Pastor of El Shaddai Ministries in Washington State. He is a well-known and popular speaker on the Feasts of the Lord and has authored four best-selling books and videos on the Feasts that have gone global.

Mark Biltz has lectured at congregations and conferences all over the world including twelve countries on 5 continents. He’s been on the cover of several magazines and has been interviewed many times on national radio stations as well as appearing on several different television programs.

Pastor Biltz has a local congregation in Washington State and live-streams their weekly service on their website at www.esm.us as well as on face-book and you-tube to over 200 cities from 20 nations.

You can learn more about Pastor Biltz’s ministry and his book, America at War: 2024 – 2026 by visiting www.esm.us


For further details or to arrange the interview, please contact Todd Baumann at 512-966-0983 or email Bookings@SpecialGuests.com

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