Special Guests

New Hampshire Is a Safe, Pro-Gun State – So Why Is a Representative Trying To Put Limits With Background Checks In Place? (Guest: Sam Paredes or Stephen Willeford)

A spokesman for the Gun Owners of America explains why David Meuse’s latest efforts need to be stopped.

New Hampshire has never really had a problem when it comes to gun violence, and has taken good care of its citizens with their rights. However, it appears Representative David Meuse is has sights set on diluting these rights anyway.

Meuse recently filled a legislative service request that would call on New Hampshire to require background checks for private firearm sales, and enact waiting periods for all firearm purchases. With this, there is a good possibility that this request could become a bill by the time the new legislative session kicks off in January.

In a statement, the Gun Owners of America noted, “New Hampshire is one of the safest, freest, pro-gun states in the Union – and diluting our Second Amendment rights will NOT keep it that way.”

Sam Parades, another Gun Owners of America spokesman, is available to speak on this subject, serving as Executive Director of the Gun Owners of America.

Stephen Willeford, the 2017 “hero with a gun” who serves as the spokesman for the Gun Owners of America, is also available for interview.


  1. What do you think is motivating Meuse to file this legislation with New Hampshire? 
  2. Does he fear that gun control is necessary in a state where they seem to be handled very well?
  3. Is there a possibility this will become a bill? Or could a potential lawsuit based around the Second Amendment knock it down?
  4. If passed, could other states potentially follow suit with gun rights restrictions as well?
  5. Where can those interested in learning more about this measure – and fighting back against it – go?
  6. FOR STEPHEN: You recently wrote a book called A Town Called Sutherland Springs: Faith and Heroism Through Tragedy, revolving around your 2017 “hero with a gun” situation. Tell us more about how this came together, and why it’s such an important read right now.
  7. FOR STEPHEN: Where can people find your book?
    1. You can purchase the book here on Amazon, both in paperback and Kindle format.
  8. Where can we learn more about you, as well as Gun Owners of America?
    1. You can learn more at http://www.thebarefootdefender.com. You can also read more about the Gun Owners of America at https://www.gunowners.org/.  

About Sam Paredes…

Sam Paredes has been with Gun Owners of California for over 35 years, currently serving as Executive Director, a position he has held since 1998. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of Gun Owners of America and Treasurer of Gun Owners Foundation.

GOC is a non-profit lobbying organization formed to protect and preserve our Second Amendment rights in California. Paredes is a registered lobbyist, has testified in hundreds of legislative committee hearings and has advocated on behalf of the gun community before the California Fish and Game Commission, the Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the Department of Justice.

Paredes has been interviewed by virtually every California news outlet as well as national and international media such as Fox News, ABC World News Tonight, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, the Larry Elder Show, Al Jazeera and the BBC (Britain and Australia) as an expert on gun laws in the Golden State. He is a frequent speaker before conservative groups and has given workshops on “Confrontational Politics” in Missouri, Nevada and throughout California and has served as co-host of Sacramento’s “Just Guns” radio show on Money 105.5 FM.

About Stephen Willeford…

Stephen represents Gun Owners of America and is known around the country as the “good guy with the gun” for helping stop the largest Texas mass shooting in the history of the state in 2017. He is available to speak about all gun rights issues, as well as the importance of Gun Owners of America. You can read more about him at http://www.thebarefootdefender.com

CONTACT: Todd Baumann at 512-966-0983 or by email Jerry McGlothlin at bookings@specialguests.com.

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