Special Guests

‘Christian Nationalism’ Sham (Guest: Dr. Erwin Lutzer)

Term Meant as a Political Weapon

Politics is based on an “adversarial relationship” that involves “demonizing your opponents” with propaganda, all in a quest for more power. Christianity is nothing like that; it is antithetical to such things. So, what does it mean to be a ‘Christian nationalist’?

The American experiment is based on many Christian principles that were mutually agreed upon at the time of our founding documents. The term ‘Christian nationalism’ didn’t even exist, because it wasn’t a thing. The nation has been governed by laws enacted through a representative government.

If someone is deemed a Christian Nationalist, it is meant to demean, demonize, and deride that person; it is a weapon used by those seeking political power or advantage, which is not Christian at all. Perhaps that helps to explain why it is deemed effective.

So, what happens if Christians agree to play the game and define a false term? Well, to do that, Dr. Erwin Lutzer says, it’s important to drill down and hold accountable, the person who is using the term to label you. The definitions of the term are prolific. When someone labels you a ‘Christian Nationalist’, Lutzer suggests you respond to that with a question. That question?

What do you mean? Book an interview with Dr. Lutzer today to find out. He will break down all the different possibilities for your listener, which will better equip them about how to respond to such tactics.


  1. Dr. Lutzer, could you explain what you believe the term ‘Christian nationalism’ represents and why you think it’s a politically motivated label?
  2. In your view, how has the term ‘Christian nationalism’ been used historically and politically to shape public discourse or influence opinions?
  3. How do you differentiate between genuine Christian principles that may have influenced the founding of the United States and the modern concept of Christian nationalism?
  4. What are the potential consequences for Christians who are labeled as ‘Christian nationalists,’ both personally and within the broader society?
  5. You suggest responding to the label ‘Christian nationalist’ by asking, “What do you mean?” How does this approach help in addressing the term and defusing its impact?
  6. Can you provide examples of how the label ‘Christian nationalist’ has been used in recent political debates or media coverage, and what you believe those examples reveal about its intended use?
  7. What strategies can Christians employ to effectively communicate their values and beliefs in a way that avoids being mischaracterized by such labels?
  8. How should Christians navigate the tension between advocating for their values in the public sphere and avoiding the pitfalls of political labeling or partisanship?
  9. Where can those interested in The Eclipse of God purchase it?
    1. It’s available here on Amazon, in both print and Kindle form. It is released on September 10th.

Watch Dr. Lutzer’s interview with Eric Metaxas

Watch Dr. Lutzer’s interview with Dr. James Dobson Family Institute


About Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer:

Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer is pastor emeritus of The Moody Church, where he served as the senior pastor for 36 years. He is an award-winning author of many books, including We Will Not Be Silenced. He is also the featured speaker on two radio programs, heard on more than 750 outlets worldwide.

You can learn more about Dr. Lutzer on the official Moody Church page.

With his book, Dr. Lutzer identifies three key objectives:

  • To better understand the intellectual roots of this present darkness
  • To rejoice that God is sovereign and stands ready to give us the blessing of His presence
  • To remind us that only a repentant and submissive church can shine the light of the gospel with confidence and strength

“We do not have to win the culture war in order to be faithful to God,” he explains.

With his book, Dr. Lutzer breaks down each chapter with a Declaration of Dependence, as well as an Action Step – a step necessary for restoring faith in the true God.

“The Word of God is still used often, but very selectively. And it has been emptied of serious thought,” Dr. Lutzer notes.

The book is set to release on September 10th, and is available for pre-order on Amazon here. Dr. Erwin Lutzer now joins us to discuss the book further.

CONTACT: Todd Baumann at 512-966-0983 or by email Bookings@SpecialGuests.com

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