Special Guests

Craters in Gaza (Guest: Robert Davi and David Rubin)

Israel Exterminates More Terrorists in Ongoing War with Hamas

The power of propaganda is strong. As western headlines endlessly victimize Palestinians in Gaza, Israel is using precision strikes to take out terrorists. Making matters worse for Israel is that these terrorists make no bones about labeling the dead as being civilian victims of Israeli aggression. What they don’t tell you is that virtually all the Palestinians in Gaza support the barbaric October 7th attacks. Hamas also places its terrorists in places where they know women and children will be. Israel is left with little choice.

An AP headline, which is supposed to be straight news, leads the propaganda charge. With terms like “tent camp” and “Gaza humanitarian zone” above a photo of a shoeless boy next to craters, the objective of the article is clear. It is to foment hatred for Israel as an aggressor and sympathy for those poor Palestinians.

Someone who knows a thing or two about Gaza, is David Rubin, former Mayor of Shiloh, Israel, who along with his son, was a victim of a terror attack and barely survived. The trauma it caused will never go away, which is what prompted Rubin to start the Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, to help rehabilitate children who are victims of terrorism. Also doing interviews for www.IsraelChildren.org is conservative Hollywood actor Robert Davi, who has been in movies like Die Hard, James Bond’s License to Kill and, most recently, REAGAN, in which Davi plays the role of Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev.

Both Rubin – who lives in Israel – and Davi see the solution similarly. Instead of allowing the international community to hold Israel back, they think Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should take matters into his own hands and do what needs to be done. Specifically, that involves destroying Hamas and likeminded enemies.

Relevant Article:



  1. David, given your personal experience as a victim of terrorism and your work with the Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, how do you view the portrayal of the conflict in Gaza by the media, particularly in Western headlines?
  2. As someone who engages in interviews and advocacy related to Israeli issues, how do you respond to accusations that Israeli actions in Gaza are disproportionately targeting civilians?
  3. David, you have firsthand experience with the trauma of terrorism. How do you perceive the role of Hamas in this conflict, especially in terms of using civilian areas for military purposes?
  4. How do you address the narrative that the humanitarian crisis in Gaza is a result of Israeli aggression rather than the actions of Hamas?
  5. What do you think are the most important factors that the international community should consider when evaluating the situation in Gaza and Israel’s military actions?
  6. What role does media representation play in shaping public opinion about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and how can narratives be better balanced?
  7. How does the Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund support children who have been affected by terrorism, and what challenges do you face in this mission given the ongoing conflict?
  8. How do you reconcile the need for Israel to defend itself against terrorism with the concerns about civilian casualties and humanitarian issues that are often highlighted in international media?

www.IsraelChildren.org  (treating the victims of terror)

www.DavidRubinIsrael.com  (to find out more about David’s many books)

www.ConfrontingRadicals.com  (the movie)

ABOUT Robert Davi…

Robert Davi is an actor, singer and political conservative. Currently he’s a spokesman for Shiloh, Israel Children’s Fund, a non-profit charity that helps child victims of terrorism. Davi has been in many movies including most recently, REAGAN, Diehard, Goonies, and the James Bond classic, “License to Kill.”


David Rubin is the former mayor of Shiloh, Israel, founder of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, a charity providing support for child victims of terrorism. Mayor Rubin is an expert on Middle Eastern affairs and is a noted author of many books, including “Trump and The Jews”. David has written extensively on the geopolitical dynamics of the region and is a frequent commentator on popular radio and television news outlets. Rubin’s insights are grounded in his direct experience and deep understanding of the historical and political landscape of the Middle East.

The Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund was established to heal the trauma of children who have been victims of terrorist attacks. We provide therapeutic, educational, and recreational programs to help these children regain a sense of normalcy. For more information or to support our work, please visit [Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund] (https://www.Israelchildren.org).

CONTACT: Todd Baumann of Special Guests Publicity

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