Special Guests

Controversial Anti-Abortion TV Ads set to Run Nationally (Guest: Randall Terry)

Interview Opportunity with Randall Terry

Proposed Introduction for Host:

Joining us today is Randall Terry, a well-known anti-abortion activist and Presidential
candidate, whose new controversial television ads are making waves across the nation.

A recent FOX news headline captured the mission:  

Constitution Party nominee aiming to help Trump, ‘destroy’ Democratic Party.

(See story here)


Thanks to FCC laws regarding Federal Candidates, these ads will air on television stations and networks. Randall is here to discuss his powerful message and the impact he hopes to make. Welcome, Randall.

NOTE for Hosts: This 2 1/2 Page PDF comes from the FCC, explaining the law that the Terry/Broden campaign is using. 


Suggested Interview Questions:

Question: Randall, your new television ads are certainly controversial. Can you tell us about the FCC rules that force television stations to air your ads?

Randall Terry: Federal Law mandates that Federally Licensed television stations and networks must air ads for any federal candidate for the U.S. Senate, U.S. House, or President. We have run these ads in 2010, 2012, and 2024.

Randall Terry: This law ensures that my message, no matter how controversial, can be heard.

Question: Your ads have been described as graphic and shocking. What message are you trying to convey with these images?

Randall Terry: That is abortion is murder. And if we vote for the Democrat Party, we are voting for a machine committed to killing and abusing children; first through abortion, then the transgender lies. If we vote for them, we share in the guilt of their crimes. 

Question: Also, Pastor Broden’s ads show the disproportionate impact of child killing on the black community. Your VP Candidate, Pastor Stephen Broden, makes strong claims about black genocide, the KKK, Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood. Can you elaborate on that?

Randall Terry: Margaret Sanger, who founded what became Planned Parenthood, once
headed up the “Negro Project,” which is racist, and part of the motivation for Black
genocide. Today, Planned Parenthood centers are placed in Black neighborhoods. Only 12% of America’s women are black, but 1/3 of the babies killed are black. 

Question: What has been the public reaction to your ads, and how are television stations

Randall Terry: The public reaction has been mixed, with some supporting the ads and
others outraged. Television stations are required by law to air them, but they are not
happy about it. My goal is to shake the conscience of Catholic and Black voters who are in their 50s to 80s, who have voted Democrat their whole lives…but who know this is not the party they grew up with. 

But perhaps more importantly, these ads work. When I ran in a primary against Obama in 2012 in Oklahoma, I ran ads like this in Oklahoma. I received 18% of the Democrat vote in a closed Democrat Primary, and I beat Obama in 13 counties, just by running these ads. 

Question: You recently protested in front of the Planned Parenthood abortion bus at the
Democratic National Convention. What message were you trying to send?

Randall Terry: I was there to protest Planned Parenthoods free vasectomies and
abortions, which they were promoting at the DNC. They are bragging about murder, which is despicable. But I was heartbroken how few Christians from Chicago came out to stand against these killers. 

Question: How do you respond to those who say your ads are too extreme or offensive?

Randall Terry: The reality of abortion is extreme and offensive. My ads reflect that
reality. But more importantly, no social movement has ever prevailed in America without the use of graphic images and radical rhetoric. 

Imagine fighting racism without the images of brutality against blacks. Imagine fighting antisemitism without the use of images of the holocaust.

Question: What do you hope to achieve through these ads and your broader campaign?

Randall Terry: I hope to be the margin of defeat for Kamala and Walz. I am not running to win; I am running to cause them to lose, by showing the truth of what the Democrat Party has become. If we reach enough Democrats in the swing states, we will prevail. 

Question: How do you plan to continue your fight against Planned Parenthood and abortion in general?

Randall Terry: I will continue to run these ads and speak out wherever I can. I will also
work to pass legislation that protects life from conception until birth. The mission of the pro-life movement is not to change hearts; it is to change the law. There was a Monday in America when you could own a slave, and the following Monday you could not. I doubt many hearts were changed. What changed was the law. 

Question: What are your thoughts on the current political climate and its impact on the pro-life movement?

Randall Terry: We are getting our butts kicked. The pro-life movement is losing on every front. Abortion is on the ballot in ten states this November. If we don’t win some of these state battles where abortion is on the ballot, the pro-life movement as a political force nationally is over and done. Our best shot at winning is in Florida, because the law requires a 60% supermajority. But we will be fighting in other states. 

Question: Where can our listeners learn more about your campaign and the issues, you’re fighting for?

Randall Terry: People can visit my website terry2024.com. We hope they will join this mission to protect children, and defeat Kamala. 

Randall Terry is a long-time pro-life leader, activist, and federal office candidate. Known for his controversial and graphic anti-abortion ads, Terry continues to fight to end the slaughter of the innocent in America. 

During the late 1980s and early 1990s, Randall led Operation Rescue, the largest peaceful civil disobedience movement in American history, with over 75,000 arrests. This number eclipses the number of arrests during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s.

CONTACT: Todd Baumann, Special Guests PR Agency, at 512-966-0983 or
Bookings@specialguests.com or https://specialguests.com

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