Special Guests

Civil War II (Guest: Mark Biltz)

Domestic Enemies in Chicago

Pro-Palestinian and Hamas protesters were arrested by the dozens at this year’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Superintendent of the Chicago Police Department Larry Snelling stressed that these individuals were “…a danger to our city and a danger to our citizens.” Unfortunately, this reality is not anecdotal; it is emblematic.

According to Guest Mark Biltz, the United States is on the brink of inevitable war. It will be civil war only in the sense that it will take place within America’s borders. However, American citizens will be fighting marauders in their country. Those invaders will be of every stripe – Hamas terrorists, Chinese Communists, Mexican and Central American gangs, ANTIFA, Agitators, and other useful idiots.

In the Declaration of Independence, says Biltz, our Founding fathers were very specific about who they were fighting. Among their enemies were ‘Merciless Indian Savages’ who ‘excited domestic insurrections’ at the behest of King George III.

In America’s first civil war, it was American citizens pitted against each other, fighting over issues such as slavery, states’ rights, government overreach, and economic disparities. This conflict, historically known as the North vs. the South or the Union vs. the Confederates, was marked by deep divisions and intense battles. The phrase “The South will Rise Again” became emblematic of the era, capturing the enduring hope of the defeated South.

Today, Mark Biltz, author of America at War 2024-2026, warns that the U.S. may be on the brink of a new civil conflict, one that could be even more devastating. Biltz argues that this impending conflict will not be a traditional north-south divide but rather a multifaceted struggle involving various domestic and international threats. He points to a surge of illegal immigration from south of the U.S. border, highlighting concerns about gangs such as MS-13, Chinese nationals, Palestinians, and individuals from other nations potentially infiltrating the country. Biltz believes these groups, along with rising internal tensions, could ignite widespread chaos and violence.

Furthermore, Biltz explores the fracturing of American society along political, racial, and ideological lines. He suggests that deepening divisions and escalating conflicts within the U.S., compounded by external threats, could lead to unprecedented instability. In America at War 2024-2026, Biltz offers a detailed analysis of these threats and the social upheaval he anticipates, urging readers to recognize the gravity of the situation and to take proactive measures to safeguard the nation’s future.

Related Article
55 to 60 Arrested During Violent DNC Protests: Chicago Police | NTD

Joining us is Pastor Mark Biltz, author of America At War: 2024-2026
1.) In America at War 2024-2026, you predict a new civil conflict in the U.S. What specific factors or signs are leading you to believe that such a conflict is imminent?
2.) You draw a comparison between the historical Civil War and the potential for a new conflict. How do you see the causes and nature of this potential conflict differing from the original Civil War?
3.) Your book highlights concerns about illegal immigration and infiltration by various groups. Can you elaborate on how these factors are contributing to the predicted conflict and what evidence supports your claims?
4.) You mention MS-13, Chinese nationals, and individuals from other countries as potential threats. How do you assess their role in the current geopolitical climate, and what specific risks do they pose to national security?
5.) What are the key internal tensions you believe are exacerbating the risk of civil conflict in the U.S.? How do these tensions interact with external threats?
6.) How does your analysis address the potential impact of political, racial, and ideological divisions within American society? What solutions or strategies do you propose to mitigate these divisions?
7.) In your view, what role does government policy and enforcement play in either contributing to or preventing the potential conflict you describe?
8.) How do you foresee this conflict manifesting in everyday American life? What should citizens be aware of and prepare for according to your predictions?
9.) What historical or current events influenced your perspective on this issue? Are there specific incidents or trends that you see as particularly indicative of the dangers you describe?
10.) Looking ahead, what actions do you believe are necessary for the U.S. to take to prevent or address the crisis you foresee? Are there specific policy changes or societal shifts that could alter the trajectory you describe in your book?

Simply visit http://www.esm.us.

About Pastor Mark Biltz…

Pastor Mark Biltz is the founder and Senior Pastor of El Shaddai Ministries in Washington State. He is a well-known and popular speaker on the Feasts of the Lord and has authored four best-selling books and videos on the Feasts that have gone global.

Mark Biltz has lectured at congregations and conferences all over the world including twelve countries on 5 continents. He’s been on the cover of several magazines and has been interviewed many times on national radio stations as well as appearing on several different television programs.

Pastor Biltz has a local congregation in Washington State and live-streams their weekly service on their website at www.esm.us as well as on face-book and you-tube to over 200 cities from 20 nations.

You can learn more about Pastor Biltz’s ministry and his book, America at War: 2024 – 2026 by visiting www.esm.us


For further details or to arrange the interview, please contact Todd Baumann at 512-966-0983 or email Bookings@SpecialGuests.com

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