Special Guests

Barbarism in America: The Harris-Walz Agenda (Guest: Troy Anderson)

Interview Opportunity with Troy Anderson, Author of “The Trump Code”

Proposed Introduction for Host:

“Joining us today is Troy Anderson, the insightful author of ‘The Trump Code.’ Troy Anderson is here to discuss what he calls ‘Barbarism in America: The Harris-Walz Agenda.’ Anderson will shed light on the radical policies being championed by Kamala Harris and her running mate, Tim Walz, and their potential impact on America’s moral and cultural fabric. Welcome, Troy.”

Suggested Interview Questions:

Troy, can you start by explaining what The Pro Act is and why it is so concerning?

Troy Anderson: The Pro Act, signed into law by Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, allows babies born alive during an attempted abortion to be left to die if the intention was for an abortion. This barbaric policy denies newborns the most basic medical care and represents a level of inhumanity that should have no place in a civilized society.

How do you see Stalin’s term “useful idiots” fitting into the current political climate surrounding this issue?

Troy Anderson: Stalin’s term “useful idiots” describes those who unwittingly support harmful policies. Today, we see stadiums filled with people cheering for Harris and Walz as they advocate these liberal positions, much like cheering stooges envisioned by Karl Marx and Joseph Stalin.

Can you elaborate on the comparison you draw between the crowds at these rallies and ancient gladiatorial arenas?

Troy Anderson: The crowds cheering for Harris and Walz are reminiscent of ancient gladiatorial arenas where Christians were fed to the lions. They cheer as Harris and Walz discuss policies that promote the termination of life at its most vulnerable stage, showcasing a disturbing level of barbarism.

What are your thoughts on former Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s stance on similar measures?

Troy Anderson: Former Governor Ralph Northam supported similar measures, suggesting that a baby born alive during an abortion could be left to die. This is a stark example of the inhumanity these policies represent.

How do you see this as a clash of civilizations?

Troy Anderson: This is a clash between the values of life and the barbarism of the Harris-Walz agenda. On one side stands Trump, fighting for life and liberty; on the other, Harris and Walz, advocating policies that devalue life and promote communist ideologies.

What do you think about the influence of Bill Ayers and other tenets of communism on this agenda?

Troy Anderson: The Harris-Walz agenda is deeply rooted in communist ideas, including stripping parents of their rights to raise their children and handing over those decisions to the state. This is evident in their support for transgenderism and trans surgery without parental consent.

Can you discuss the indoctrination of youth at these rallies?

Troy Anderson: These rallies have become platforms for indoctrinating youth, much like how Hitler used the Brown Shirts to whip up fervor among the youth. The cheering youths are being manipulated into supporting causes that align with a communist takeover of America.

What are your concerns about the support for Gaza and Hamas terrorists at these rallies?

Troy Anderson: These rallies are promoting support for Gaza and Hamas terrorists. The youths are being manipulated into supporting causes that align with a communist takeover of America, and the mainstream media is complicit in legitimizing this barbarism.

How do you see the media’s role in this issue?

Troy Anderson: The mainstream media is complicit in legitimizing the barbarism of the Harris-Walz agenda. They fail to hold these leaders accountable for their inhumane policies and instead promote their harmful ideologies.

What inspired you to write “The Trump Code” and explore the connections between Ingersoll Lockwood’s novels and the Trump family?

Troy Anderson: The peculiar parallels between Lockwood’s novels and the Trump family intrigued me, prompting a deeper investigation into potential prophetic elements and historical coincidences.

In your book, you mention Lockwood’s prediction of an “outsider candidate” causing chaos in America. Can you elaborate on how this relates to Donald Trump?

Troy Anderson: Lockwood’s novel, “1900; or, The Last President,” describes the election of an outsider candidate causing societal upheaval, mirroring Trump’s unexpected rise to power and the subsequent political turmoil.

Tell us about your work and how we may learn more and support your work.

Troy Anderson: Visit TroyAnderson.us to learn more about my work, including my latest book, “The Trump Code.”

Troy Anderson is a Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist and the author of “The Trump Code,” which explores the connections between Ingersoll Lockwood’s novels and the Trump family’s legacy. Anderson is also the co-author of bestsellers “The Babylon Code,” “Trumpocalypse,” and “The Military Guide to Armageddon.” He serves as vice president and COO of Battle Ready Ministries and lives with his family in Irvine, California. Find out more at TroyAnderson.us.


Todd Baumann

Phone: (512) 966-0983

Email: todd@specialguests.com

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