Special Guests

Time Travel is NOW Thanks to Pentagon FOIAs (Guest: Troy Anderson)


Thanks to a Freedom of Information ACT (FOIA) request to the Pentagon due to the increased interest in UFO sightings, something else that is possibly even more fascinating and shocking is the revelation that Time Travel is now here. The Pentagon documents reveal anti-gravity technology can be used to accomplish it.

There was a time not so long ago when any mention of UFO’s was met with accusations of tin foil hats and tongue-in-cheek mockery. Those who brought up the idea of flying saucers or advanced aliens from other galaxies and planets had always been painted as kooky.

That is until the U.S. Military had to make some admissions a couple of years ago. Even then mainstream cable host Tucker Carlson called attention to these very unexplainable sightings by airline and military pilots.

Thanks to a fascinating revelation stemming from a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request related to the Pentagon’s UFO program, we now have evidence that Time Travel is possible. Recent disclosures might indicate time travel as a plausible aspect of UFO technology. This claim arises from newly released documents that hint at advanced propulsion systems and theoretical physics concepts potentially pointing to time manipulation.

Here’s why this could be a compelling story:

Groundbreaking Implications: The idea that time travel could be within the realm of current or near-future technology challenges our understanding of physics and the universe. If these Pentagon documents are credible, it could reshape scientific discourse.

Public Fascination: Time travel has always been a popular subject in science fiction and public imagination. Connecting it with real-world UFO investigations can captivate a broad audience and drive significant engagement.

Government Transparency: This angle taps into the ongoing debate about government transparency and the public’s right to know about unexplained phenomena. It raises questions about what other secrets might be hidden within classified documents.

This topic sits at the intersection of science fiction and national security, offering a unique narrative that could resonate with both skeptics and believers alike. I believe it has the potential to spark substantial interest and debate.

Joining us to discuss this fascinating development is best selling author Troy Anderson, whose new book The TRUMP CODE has some extremely interesting time travel aspects to it.

Q &A:

1.) What kind of evidence do we now have that time travel isn’t just the stuff of science fiction but of scientific fact?
2.) If Time travel is possible, how is it done?
3.) What does Time Travel have to do with Donald Trump?
4.) You have a new book called The Trump Code. Tell us more about it and what inspired you to write it.
5.) What makes someone who reads your book think that a novel from 1890 is relevant to today?
6.) You assert that there are many parallels between real political life today and a fictional work written in the 1800’s. Why do these strike you as more than mere coincidences?
7.) What do you mean by the term Trump Code?
8.) Where can those interested in reading The Trump Code find it?
a. It’s available in paperback and Kindle form over on Amazon.
9.) Where can we learn more about you in general?
a. You can visit my official website at http://www.troyanderson.us.

Time travel and anti-gravity tech IS possible and could be used to find Earth-like planets, secret UFO files reveal | The US Sun (the-sun.com)

About Troy Anderson…

Troy Anderson is a Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist and coauthor of the bestsellers The Babylon Code, Trumpocalypse, and The Military Guide to Armageddon. The vice president and COO of Battle-Ready Ministries, Anderson lives with his family in Irvine, California.

CONTACT: To schedule an interview, contact Todd Baumann of Special Guests PR Agency at 512-966-0983 or todd@specialguests.com

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