Special Guests

Hamas Rejects Ceasefire Deal (Guest: Ronald Stetton)

Hamas rejected the ceasefire deal brokered by the United States, Qatar and Egypt, requesting instead a permanent ceasefire from Israel, the country they attacked – unprovoked – on October 7th

The current proposal, agreed to by Israel, calls for a six-week ceasefire and a partial release of the hostages. A second phase would require the remainder of the hostages released and a total withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza. 

Our guest is Ronald Stetton, author of the book The Prophet, which details the scriptural connection between much of what we see today across the four corners of the earth. His particular field of study is Islam and the Qur’an and where the Bible foretold much of what we are witnessing today. 

Ronald joins us now to discuss the response from Hamas.


1. Why would Hamas reject this deal?

2. What does Hamas seek that isn’t in this deal?

3. Is the ceasefire proposal a calculated ploy or does Israel actually seek an end to the war?

4. Can the Palestinian people be considered separate from Hamas terrorists?
5. What does the Hamas’ Covenant (aka Charter) state?

6. What are the guiding principles of the Covenant?

7. What is the “Slogan” of the Islamic Resistance Movement?

8. The Charter makes an ominous statement about Islam as a way of life, the obligation of its members, and how they might be useful in the fight to make Islam overcome all other religions. How does their pledge mirror a major biblical warning?

About Ronald Stetton:

Author of “The Prophet,” Stetton offers a riveting perspective on the changing definition of truth in our times, where emotions supersede factual accuracies, creating societal delusions. Ronald’s work asserts that this deviation from reality is a sign of the ‘Last Days’ as per ancient biblical prophecies, offering a compelling analysis of how the world refuses to recognize its Biblical role. 

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin 919-437-0001 or jerry@specialguests.com.

More on the deal: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cv225l8l7jzo

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