Special Guests

Newsmax Seeks Sanctions Against Smartmatic over DOJ BRIBERY Claims

In a Historic, Bold Counterattack against Smartmatic “Lawfare,” Chris Ruddy and his Newsmax are fighting back BIG TIME for our First Amendment Rights!

Interview Opportunity with Chris Ruddy, CEO of Newsmax, or a suitable Newsmax Spokesperson

Proposed Introduction for Host:

“Joining us today is Chris Ruddy, CEO of Newsmax (or a suitable spokesperson from Newsmax). We are here to discuss the recent bold move by Newsmax to seek sanctions against Smartmatic over DOJ bribery claims. This is a historic and significant counterattack in the ongoing battle for First Amendment rights. After Fox News settled out of court, Chris Ruddy and his team at Newsmax are taking a stand against this ‘lawfare’ attack, aiming to win before the upcoming elections. Welcome.”

Suggested Interview Questions:

1.      Can you provide an overview of the recent motion Newsmax filed against Smartmatic?

Newsmax: This motion seeks extensive financial and evidentiary sanctions against Smartmatic, alleging that Smartmatic misled Newsmax, the court, and a special master about its ability to produce discovery related to an ongoing DOJ investigation into an international bribery scheme.

2.      What makes this motion historic and significant for Newsmax?

Newsmax: This motion is a bold step in defending Newsmax and the broader principle of press freedom. After seeing other media outlets like Fox News settle, we are determined to fight back and uphold our First Amendment rights.

3.      How did Smartmatic allegedly mislead the court and Newsmax regarding the DOJ investigation?

Newsmax: Smartmatic misrepresented and omitted key details from DOJ correspondence, falsely claiming that the DOJ was blocking the release of crucial information. In reality, Smartmatic was withholding this information.

4.      How will the DOJ investigation affect Smartmatic’s defamation lawsuit against Newsmax?

Newsmax: The revelations about the bribery investigation undermine Smartmatic’s claims of damage to its business due to our 2020 election coverage. This ongoing criminal investigation is far more damaging to their reputation.

5.      Why does Newsmax believe this lawsuit poses a danger to the First Amendment?

Newsmax: This lawsuit is an example of ‘lawfare,’ where legal actions are used to intimidate and silence the press. It’s crucial to protect the media’s right to report on issues of public interest without fear of crippling legal repercussions.

6.      What are the broader implications of this case for press freedom in the United States?

Newsmax: If Smartmatic succeeds, it could set a dangerous precedent that chills journalistic inquiry and reporting. This case is about ensuring that the press can freely report on matters of public concern.

7.      How does Newsmax plan to continue its defense against these allegations?

Newsmax: We will vigorously defend our reporting and challenge Smartmatic’s claims at every step, ensuring that the truth is revealed and our rights are protected.

8.      What has been the public and media response regarding this motion?

Newsmax: We’ve seen a strong response from our viewers and supporters who value press freedom. There’s also a growing awareness in the media about the dangers of ‘lawfare’ tactics being used against news organizations.

9.      Can you explain what lawfare is and how it impacts First Amendment rights?

Newsmax: Lawfare refers to the use of legal systems and principles to achieve a goal through litigation, often to suppress free speech and press freedom. It poses a significant threat to the First Amendment by leveraging the legal system to silence opposition.

10.  What is the significance of the timing of this motion and the upcoming elections?

Newsmax: The timing is critical as it highlights the urgent need to address these issues before the elections. It’s essential to ensure that the media can operate freely and without intimidation during such a crucial period.

11.  Where may we find more information about your lawsuit?

Newsmax: For more details, you can visit our website, which has a dedicated section with all the latest updates and filings related to this case.

Chris Ruddy is the CEO of Newsmax, a prominent news organization known for its commitment to fair and balanced reporting. Under his leadership, Newsmax has grown significantly, providing an alternative voice in the media landscape.

Media Contact:

Jerry McGlothlin, CEO of Special Guests Publicity LLC

Phone: 919-437-0001

Email: jerry@specialguests.com

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