Special Guests

Biden Executive Order on Illegal Immigrants Ignites Anger on Both Sides (Guest: Steve Strang)

According to the mainstream media, President Joe Biden’s executive order will shut down asylum request at the U.S. Mexico border once the daily average hits 2500 – an almost silly number considering it is well above that already. Feeling pressure due to his abysmal polling numbers, this targets the number one subject of concern for most Americans: out of control, unregulated illegal immigration.

At the same time, the Biden administration realizes these are clearly future Democrat voters.

Even before the executive order was officially announced, the ACLU revealed plans to sue the White House over the decision, leading many to suspect this was all part of the plan – to make an executive order that would help Biden with voters while a legal challenge staves off the actual execution of the order.  

Steve Strang, CEO of Charisma Media and author of Trump Aftershock: The President’s Seismic Impact on Faith and Culture, looks at the reasons behind the Biden executive order. 

Welcome, Steve.


1. Why do you suspect Biden made this sudden announcement?

2. Following years of acting as if there is no crisis at the border, why now? 

3. Why not just shut down the border completely? Isn’t that the reason for a border?

4. What will this executive order effectively do, if anything?

5. Many believe there are as many as 10,000 illegal immigrants crossing the border daily, some 3.6 million per year. Why is this being ignored?

6. Do you believe Biden is counting on groups like the ACLU to stop the actual execution of this executive order?

7. Do you think the American voters are gullible enough to believe Biden is suddenly tough on illegal immigration?

8. This comes right after the election of a new president of Mexico. Could this be related?

9. For your book, you spoke with former President Trump about illegal immigration. He has already denounced this executive order as falling short of what should be done. In your time with him, did he appear ready to deal with issues at the border?

Guest Bio:

Stephen E. Strang’s previous book, God and Donald Trump (Frontline, a Charisma House imprint 2017), garnered over one hundred five-star reviews and was featured on CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC. After interviewing Donald Trump, Strang was involved with other Christian leaders who campaigned for Trump’s election. Strang also attended the 2016 election night victory party in New York. Strang is CEO and founder of Charisma Media, which publishes Charisma magazine and the Modern English Version of the Bible.

About Charisma House:

Charisma House empowers people through Spirit-inspired resources. It is the leading publisher of diversified Christian resources, motivating people to fulfill God’s purpose. Charisma House has published books, including fourteen New York Times bestsellers, that challenge, encourage, teach, and equip Christians for over twenty years.

CONTACT: For interviews, contact Jerry McGlothlin of Special Guests Publicity at 919-437-0001 jerry@specialguests.com 

The ACLU suit plans: https://www.axios.com/2024/06/04/aclu-sue-biden-border-executive-order

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