Special Guests

Federal Gun Case Against Hunter Biden: What Does This Mean for the Justice System? (Guest: Michael Letts)

Interview Opportunity with Police Officer and Early Responder during the 9/11 Aftermath

Proposed Introduction for Host:

“Joining us today is Michael Letts, a police officer, early responder during the 9/11 aftermath, and founder of InVest USA. We are here to discuss the federal gun case against President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and its implications for the justice system. Michael will provide his insights on this case and the broader context of political influence and legal fairness. Welcome, Michael.”

Suggested Interview Questions:

  1. Michael, what are your initial thoughts on the federal gun case against Hunter Biden?

Michael Letts: The case against Hunter Biden highlights a significant issue of legal double standards in our justice system. The charges stem from his 2018 firearm purchase during a period of drug addiction, raising questions about the fairness and consistency of legal proceedings.

  • How do you think this case will impact the Biden administration, especially with the 2024 election approaching?

Michael Letts: This trial places the Biden administration under intense scrutiny, particularly because it coincides with President Biden’s re-election campaign. It may erode public trust in the administration’s integrity and raise concerns about political bias in the justice system.

  • Hunter Biden has pleaded not guilty and claims he’s being unfairly targeted. What are your thoughts on this defense?

Michael Letts: While it’s common for defendants to claim they are being unfairly targeted, the timing and nature of this trial suggest that there may indeed be political motivations at play. However, the legal process must be allowed to proceed fairly and transparently.

  • Can you elaborate on the potential political implications of this case for both the Biden and Trump campaigns?

Michael Letts: The proximity of Hunter Biden’s trial to Donald Trump’s recent conviction on 34 felony counts underscores the deep political divide in our country. Millions of Americans see Trump’s conviction as political persecution, for that’s exactly what it was. This juxtaposition could further polarize voters and impact both campaigns significantly.

  • What is your perspective on the public’s reaction to the trials of both Trump and Hunter Biden?

Michael Letts: The public’s reaction is deeply divided along partisan lines. Many see Trump’s legal battles as a politically motivated attack, while Hunter Biden’s trial is viewed by some as a necessary step in upholding the law. This divide reflects the broader polarization in our society.

  • How have jury instructions and statute limitations influenced perceptions of Trump’s trial?

Michael Letts: The jury instructions in Trump’s case were perceived by many as slanted against him. Additionally, the statutes of limitation had already passed, yet the judge allowed the case to go forward. This has fueled claims of a biased judicial process and political persecution.

  • What do you think will be the outcome of Hunter Biden’s trial, given the current legal and political climate?

Michael Letts: It’s difficult to predict the exact outcome, but the trial’s high-profile nature and political context will undoubtedly influence public perception. Regardless of the verdict, the case will likely have long-lasting implications for the Biden administration and the 2024 election.

  • How does the media coverage of these trials affect public opinion and the legal process?

Michael Letts: The media plays a crucial role in shaping public opinion. Most in the major media are extremely liberal. It wouldn’t surprise me if Hunter were to shoot someone at point-blank range in front of the media, and they would still blame Trump for Hunter’s actions. This bias can affect not only public perception but also the fairness of the legal process.

  • What impact do you think these trials will have on the general public’s trust in the justice system?

Michael Letts: The general public sees through this gross injustice and it should give Trump a positive bump, as we are already seeing with Black voters, who are rallying with Trump in unprecedented numbers. This situation underscores the need for a justice system that is fair and impartial, free from political influence.

  1. Can you tell us about your organization, InVest USA, and what you do?

Michael Letts: We provide active shooter vests to police and other first responders, especially in areas where police have been defunded. Our mission is to ensure the safety and protection of those who risk their lives to protect us.

  1. Where may we go to support your work or to get more information about InVest USA?

Michael Letts: For more information and to support our efforts, please visit InVestUSA.org.

Michael Letts is a seasoned police officer and was an early responder during the 9/11 attack aftermath. He is the founder of InVest USA, a non-profit organization that provides active shooter vests to law enforcement agencies, especially in areas where police departments have been defunded. Michael is a respected voice on issues of public safety, justice, law enforcement, and border security.

Media Contact:

Jerry McGlothlin, CEO of Special Guests Publicity LLC

Phone: 919-437-0001

Email: jerry@specialguests.com

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