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Texas got it right in self-defense case (By Michael Letts)

(Originally published in American Thinker.)

It’s always frustrating to see a case surrounding a man who’s clearly innocent — in this particular matter, simply acting on self-defense.

Daniel Scott Perry was a former U.S. Army sergeant working as an Uber driver back in July 2020.  As he was working the streets of Austin, a Black Lives Matter mob surrounded him suddenly, rushing “to obstruct, strike, pound, smash and kick his vehicle,” according to reports.

Then Garret Foster reportedly “approached within 18 inches of Daniel Scott Perry’s car, confronted him, and brandished a Kalashnikov-style rifle in the low-ready firing position.”

Perry acted quickly, drawing his handgun and firing on Foster in self-defense.  Foster died from his wounds, and Perry escaped unharmed after an unidentified shooter fired from the crowd.  He later discussed the matter with police.

Unfortunately, due to a district attorney who was backed at the time by police-hating billionaire George Soros, Perry was found guilty of murder and spent the past few years in prison — all over a self-defense matter surrounding a hateful mob that would stop at nothing to hurt those who disagreed with them.

It’s absolutely frustrating when justice isn’t served.  But, thankfully, this particular case does have a happy ending.

Texas governor Greg Abbott issued a full pardon for Perry, making him a free man.  In a statement he later posted on X (formerly Twitter), he wrote, “The Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles conducted an exhaustive review of U.S. Army Sergeant Daniel Perry’s personal history and the facts surrounding the July 2020 incident and recommended a Full Pardon and Restoration of Full Civil Rights of Citizenship.

“Among the voluminous files reviewed by the Board, they considered information provided by the Travis County District Attorney, the full investigative report on Daniel Perry, plus a review of all the testimony provided at trial. Texas has one of the strongest ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws of self-defense that cannot be nullified by a jury or a progressive District Attorney. I thank the Board for its thorough investigation, and I approve their pardon recommendation.”

What this means is that the board was fully aware that Perry was wrongfully convicted, when he was simply defending himself against a hateful mob.  That didn’t stop Travis County district attorney Jose Garza from slavering after a murder conviction, believing that it was more of a “hate crime” than a self-defense matter — which is clearly far from the truth.

Abbott, alongside the Texas Board of Pardons and Parole, noted that “rather than upholding the self-defense rights of citizens, [Garza] has prioritized ‘reducing access to guns’ that citizens may use to lawfully defend themselves.”

What’s more, Garza “directed the lead detective investigating Daniel Scott Perry to withhold exculpatory evidence from the Grand Jury considering whether to report an indictment” and “‘has not sought to see that justice is done,’ but has instead demonstrated unethical and biased misuse of his office.”

I’m thrilled to see that justice has finally been served.  Why stop here?  This matter should easily pave the way for an investigation to take place surrounding Garza’s actions and how he manipulated a lead detective.  For that matter, it probably wouldn’t hurt to see what kind of financial support he received from Soros on the matter.

Will it get anywhere?  Who’s to say?  But Abbott’s on a roll when it comes to getting justice done properly in the Lone Star State.  So if anyone can look into these corrupt actions — and giving Perry some peace of mind surrounding what happened — it’s he.

I’ll conclude with a statement from Texas attorney general Ken Paxton: “Americans across the country have been watching this case in Texas and praying for justice after BLM riots terrorized the nation in 2020.  Our right to self-defense is enshrined in the Constitution.  Soros-backed prosecutors like Jose Garza do not get to pick and choose the rights we have as Americans, and I am relieved that justice has prevailed.”

I’ll say it has. 

Michael Letts is the Founder, president, and CEO of InVest USA, a national grassroots non-profit organization that is helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs. He also has over 30 years of law enforcement experience under his belt, hence his pro-police stance for his brothers and sisters in blue. Those interested in learning more about Letts can visit his official website here.

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