Special Guests

Arizona Senate Votes to Repeal Controversial Abortion Law (Guest: Rev. Jim Harden)

The Arizona Senate followed in the footsteps of the Arizona House and repealed a strong abortion law set in place in 1864. The bill now heads to the desk of Democrat Governor Katie Hobbs who is thrilled to make abortion more common in the state.

However, in 2022, Arizona enacted a 15-week abortion limit that remains in place. Hobbs vowed to continue to fight for easier access to abortion.

CompassCare CEO and Reverend James Harden has been following this story since the controversy began with the Arizona Supreme Court upholding the law.

We have Reverend Harden joining us now to examine the decision of state representatives to kill the law.  Jim, welcome to the program.


1. From the beginning, this law looked like it wouldn’t last long as even some Republicans ran from it. Was that disappointing?

2. Did you see signs that it had a chance?

3. Do you find it peculiar that the year the law was enacted became such a focus in the media – as though something that old can’t possibly be good?

4. Tell us about the law. What did it say that the left found so troubling?

5. Some believe this is a sign being pro-life is bad for elections. Do you believe that? Does it matter?

6. Where is the battle for the lives of the unborn these days? Are you seeing progress?

7. Where can people go to learn more about CompassCare and your efforts to save babies?

About James Harden

Rev. James Harden, a dedicated pro-life advocate and leader of CompassCare, is known for his outspoken views on medical ethics, executive leadership, and pro-life strategy. With a family of ten children and a strong moral compass, he believes in the adage, “Money follows morality.” Harden has been vocal about perceived corruption in federal law enforcement and public policy in post-Roe America. His predictions about the Dobbs decision in 2018 and the demise of the “Red Wave” in 2022 showcase his deep understanding of the political landscape.

For further details or to arrange the interview, please contact Jerry McGlothlin at geraldmcg@outlook.com or 919-437-0001.

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