Special Guests

9/11 Battle Anniversary (Guest: Mark Biltz)

America’s War is Still Being Waged

As we approach the 23rd anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, we are reminded that America is still at war with enemies that attacked it – Radical Islam. The attack was the single largest attack on U.S. soil, even bigger than Pearl Harbor, which drew the United States into WWII. Unlike that war, the one started on 9/11 did not end four years later. In fact, according to Pastor Mark Biltz, it has escalated.

In his book America at Warr 2024-2026, Biltz contends that the heavenly signs are all there, including the eclipses that began in early 2024. These signs, says Biltz, “represent the starting gun for a series of wars over the next several years, including the final war against Amalek which is represented today by Radical Islam.”

Since the September 11th attacks more than 20 years ago, the American people are under even greater threats; they can feel it. After intense study, Biltz is convinced that we are on the eve of a conflict that people can sense is coming but don’t understand. All they must do is read their Bibles and interpret the signs.

War is going to be on every front, even domestically, Biltz says. Open borders are leading to an influx of gangs, foreign agents, immigrants and Islamic radicals who see the destruction of the United States. As big as the 9/11 attacks were, says Biltz, it was merely a skirmish in the war America is already on the brink of having to fight.

The 9/11 attacks were identified as being perpetrated by al Qaeda. What many people don’t realize is that al Qaeda is but a small tentacle of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is in league with the Shiite Islamists found in Hezbollah and Iran right now.

In America at War 2024-2026, Biltz offers a detailed analysis and interpretation of these threats and the social upheaval he anticipates, urging readers to recognize the gravity of the situation, get right with God and take proactive measures.

Joining us is Pastor Mark Biltz, author of America At War: 2024-2026


  1. How do the 9/11 attacks represent just a battle or skirmish in a larger ongoing war. Can you elaborate on what you believe is the broader conflict that America is involved in and how it relates to your interpretation of biblical prophecy?
  2. You mention that the heavenly signs, such as eclipses, signal the start of a series of wars. How do you interpret these celestial events in the context of biblical prophecy, and what specific signs should people be paying attention to?
  3. What evidence or indicators do you present in your book to support the claim that the current global situation is leading to a final war against what you describe as ‘Radical Islam’?
  4. In America at War 2024-2026, you highlight concerns about domestic threats due to open borders. Can you provide specific examples of how you believe these threats are manifesting and how they relate to the larger conflict you describe?
  5. How do you reconcile the notion of a final war with the idea of a broader, ongoing conflict? Is there a distinction between different types of threats and conflicts you foresee?
  6. You assert that the American people can sense an impending conflict but don’t fully understand it. What steps do you recommend for individuals and communities to better prepare for and respond to these threats?
  7. Your book proposes proactive measures to safeguard the nation’s future. What are some of these measures, and how do you suggest they be implemented on both a personal and national level?
  8. How do you address potential criticisms that your interpretation of biblical prophecy and current events might be viewed as alarmist or not grounded in empirical evidence? What is your response to those who might challenge your perspective on these issues?
  9. What are your main recommendations for readers of your book, America at War 2024-2026, regarding how to safeguard their future amid these anticipated conflicts and threats?

Simply visit http://www.esm.us.

About Pastor Mark Biltz…

Pastor Mark Biltz is the founder and Senior Pastor of El Shaddai Ministries in Washington State. He is a well-known and popular speaker on the Feasts of the Lord and has authored four best-selling books and videos on the Feasts that have gone global.

Mark Biltz has lectured at congregations and conferences all over the world including twelve countries on 5 continents. He’s been on the cover of several magazines and has been interviewed many times on national radio stations as well as appearing on several different television programs.

Pastor Biltz has a local congregation in Washington State and live-streams their weekly service on their website at www.esm.us as well as on face-book and you-tube to over 200 cities from 20 nations.

You can learn more about Pastor Biltz’s ministry and his book, America at War: 2024 – 2026 by visiting www.esm.us


For further details or to arrange the interview, please contact Todd Baumann at 512-966-0983 or email Bookings@SpecialGuests.com

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