Special Guests

19th Century Novelist Predicts Trump Win (Guest: Troy Anderson)

“Anarchists and Socialists” Chant “Death to the Rich Man” Outside Trump Castle

In The Trump Code, Troy Anderson uncovers a startling historical connection that reveals how a late 19th-century novel eerily anticipated the rise of Donald Trump and the intense political climate of today. Anderson’s riveting book delves into the extraordinary parallels between contemporary politics and the works of Ingersoll Lockwood, particularly his novel The Last President, which seems to have predicted not only Trump’s presidency but also the turbulent social reactions that accompanied it.

Ingersoll Lockwood, a lesser-known novelist from the 1800s, penned a collection of works featuring an uncanny forecast of future events. Among these, The Last President stands out for its prophetic elements that align disturbingly well with the modern political scene. Anderson’s The Trump Code explores how Lockwood’s fictional narrative mirrors the real-world drama surrounding Donald Trump’s rise to power and the subsequent socio-political upheavals.

In The Last President, Lockwood introduces a character who rises to power in a manner reminiscent of Trump’s unconventional and controversial ascent. The novel portrays a chaotic environment in which a wealthy and polarizing figure becomes the center of intense public scrutiny and unrest. Particularly striking is the depiction of anarchists and socialists rallying against the protagonist, chanting “Death to the Rich Man” outside his grand residence—a scene that resonates with the real-life protests and public demonstrations that occurred outside Trump’s properties.

Anderson’s analysis in The Trump Code sheds light on how Lockwood’s vision of political turmoil and class conflict presaged the very real tensions of our time. By juxtaposing the fictional scenarios in Lockwood’s work with the contemporary political landscape, Anderson highlights the eerie accuracy of Lockwood’s predictions. His book offers a deep dive into the ways in which Lockwood’s narrative mirrors the polarization and resistance faced by Trump, as well as the broader social discontent that characterized his presidency.

Troy Anderson’s exploration does more than just highlight historical coincidences; it invites readers to consider the implications of such predictions and the broader impact of literature on our understanding of political realities. The Trump Code is not merely a study of past and present parallels but a provocative examination of how fiction can sometimes provide profound insights into future events.

The book also investigates the possible reasons behind Lockwood’s foresight. Did Lockwood possess a rare gift of prophecy, or was his portrayal of social upheaval a reflection of the anxieties of his own time? Anderson’s research into Lockwood’s background and the context of his work raises intriguing questions about the nature of predictive fiction and its relevance to modern society.

In summary, The Trump Code by Troy Anderson is a compelling and thought-provoking examination of how a 19th-century novel can illuminate our contemporary political landscape. By drawing parallels between Lockwood’s The Last President and Donald Trump’s presidency, Anderson provides readers with a unique perspective on the cyclical nature of political conflicts and societal reactions. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the intersections of history, politics, and literature, offering a captivating exploration of how the past can shape and reflect the present.

Joining us to discuss these ever-increasing parallels is best-selling author Troy Anderson, whose new book The TRUMP CODE has some extremely interesting time travel aspects to it.

Q &A:

1.) What inspired you to explore the connection between Ingersoll Lockwood’s novels and Donald Trump’s presidency in The Trump Code?
2.) Can you provide a brief summary of The Last President and explain how its plot anticipates modern political events?
3.) How did you first come across Lockwood’s work, and what led you to investigate its connections to today’s political climate?
4.) In The Trump Code, you draw parallels between Lockwood’s depiction of anarchists and socialists and modern-day political protests. How did you approach this comparison, and what are the key similarities you found?
5.) Lockwood’s The Last President includes a scene where “anarchists and socialists” chant “Death to the Rich Man” outside the protagonist’s residence. How do you interpret this scene in light of the real-life protests that occurred during Trump’s presidency?
6.) What were some of the most surprising or unexpected findings in your research on Lockwood’s novels and their relevance to contemporary events?
7.) How do you think Lockwood’s work reflects the anxieties and political tensions of his own time, and how does that compare to the tensions we see today?
8.) Do you believe Lockwood had any specific insights or knowledge that enabled him to make such accurate predictions, or do you think his work is more a product of literary imagination?
9.) In The Trump Code, you delve into the impact of predictive fiction. How can understanding historical predictions like those in Lockwood’s novels influence our interpretation of current political dynamics?
10.) What do you hope readers take away from The Trump Code, particularly in terms of how fiction and historical narratives can shape or reflect our understanding of modern politics?Where can those interested in reading The Trump Code find it?
a. It’s available in paperback and Kindle form over on Amazon.
11.) Where can we learn more about you in general?
a. You can visit my official website at http://www.troyanderson.us.

About Troy Anderson…

Troy Anderson is a Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist and coauthor of the bestsellers The Babylon Code, Trumpocalypse, and The Military Guide to Armageddon. The vice president and COO of Battle-Ready Ministries, Anderson lives with his family in Irvine, California.

CONTACT: To schedule an interview, contact Todd Baumann of Special Guests PR Agency at 512-966-0983 or bookings@specialguests.com

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