Special Guests

12 Major US Cities ALL just topped their annual homicide records. Why? (Guest: Actor Eric Roberts)

Interview opportunity with Actor Eric Roberts for national television programs:

Homicides are increasing in record-breaking numbers in cities across America. Twelve major cities ALL just broke their all-time homicide records. These murders are not just occurring in Chicago and New York, but in cities otherwise considered generally safe– like in Rochester, Austin, Toledo, Baton Rouge. These are cities that, until recently, have not been immediately associated with violent crime.  

Actor Eric Roberts is concerned about this alarming trend. He speaks on behalf of InVest USA, a nonprofit organization providing  Active Shooter Vest to police officers.

Suggested Interview Questions:

  • Eric, before we get into discussing increased crime rates, can you tell us about one of your current movie or television projects?
  • As an actor, when handling a firearm, has your experience been one of Hollywood directors generally being safe concerning guns on film sets?
    • If Eric has a personal story to share about his experience with gun safety on a movie set and can articulate that in 10 seconds, that would be valuable.
    • FYI: Eric may get asked about the Alec Baldwin on-set shooting. It may be advisable for Eric to just say that he does not feel that it is appropriate to comment on an on-going investigation, especially since he was not on set to witness what happened.
  • What, in your opinion, are some possible causes for the dramatic increases in homicides in cities across America?
    • First of all, we need to look at the fact we are coming out of a pandemic which saw high unemployment, stress economically and emotionally for everyone and increased social isolation. The pandemic’s disruption in our national fabric and personal lives has increased substance abuse, mental illness and anger—and there is no doubt it’s taken a toll on everyone. Violent protests last year and low morale among police has not helped the situation.
    • Police officers are some of the most resilient people. The pressure their job description is “to protect and serve.” That is a very awesome responsibility for anyone. They go out every day with a target on their backs. . . and with murder rates on the rise, police now are going into war zones to protect and serve citizens against violent criminals.
    • I live in Los Angeles and there were 352 homicides last year, but Philadelphia had 501 homicides as of the end of November which is a 13% increase from 2020. I am shocked and saddened by this kind of violence. We are better than this.
  • Eric, you are a spokesperson with InVest USA, a charitable organization that donates bulletproof vests to law enforcement officers. What percentage of police officers are provided with bulletproof vests?
    • Less than 10%. That’s all the more reason we are bringing this matter to the attention of the general public since 90% of our police force have no chest protection.
    • The fact is bulletproof vests protect officers and save lives. The National Institute of Justice shows that vests have saved the lives of more than 3000 officers since 1978. Firearms are the most dangerous threats faced by law enforcement officers today.
    • What citizens don’t understand is that the life of a bulletproof vest is five years. Each vest costs around $1000 and every police officer is responsible for purchasing that vest, unless an organization like InVestUSA comes along and donates vests to a department or group of officers.
    • Bulletproof vests are customized to fit each officers body type to ensure the highest level of protection.
    • InVestUSA is providing bulletproof vests that are actually active shooter vests which are more effective against bullets shot by advanced weapons used by criminals today.
  • Where may we get more information about InVest USA to help?
    • There are two key things that Americans who do appreciate their police can do to show that appreciation:
      • Tell an officer, buy him or her a cup of coffee—a thank you goes a long way.
      • You can also donate to InVestUSA to help provide vests to officers.
    • Bulletproof vests are a critical piece of safety equipment that law enforcement, corrections officers and even first responders need for personal protection. Anyone interested in helping save law enforcement lives visit www.InvestUSA.org
  • Before you go, I understand that you are poised to set the Guinness Book of World Records for appearing in more movies than any other living actor.  Tell us about that.

GUEST: With more than 40 years in the entertainment industry, Eric Roberts is poised to set the Guinness Book of World Records for appearing in more movies than any other living actor.  Academy Award and Golden Globe-nominated, he is also known as the brother of Julia Roberts, and father of actress Emma Roberts.  

CONTACT: To schedule an interview with Eric Roberts, contact Tamara Colbert, c: 626-244-5571; e: tamara@ohsweetliberty.com

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