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Virginia Beach becomes 118th 2nd Amendment Sanctuary City! Slap in face to Gov. Northam and Dems Passing Constitutional City Measure

Seven months after the mass shooting that left 12 dead and four more injured, the
Virginia Beach City Council voted 6-4 in favor of becoming a Second Amendment
Constitutional City. The council supported the symbolic message to encourage
state lawmakers to not pass laws that many activists believe infringe on the
According to CBS, “The Virginia Beach City Council, by a 6 to 4 vote, adopted a
resolution Monday declaring itself a ‘Second Amendment Constitutional City’…
Under the resolution, the city government will not use its resources to prosecute
anti-gun laws, even though any state laws limiting gun use would supersede the
local government’s authority.”
2 nd Amendment Foundation spokesman Mark Walters said, “I’m a Virginian. I
graduated college in Virginia and lived in Virginia Beach and Richmond. I have
family in Virginia, so I take Governor Northam’s fiendish and unconstitutional
action against freedom as a personal assault.”
Last May 31, a man described as “a disgruntled employee” opened fire in a city
building, killing 11 people. He also killed a 12th person outside the building. All
but one of the victims was a city employee.
The shooting allowed Northam to dust off his previously rejected gun control
agenda, which was quickly ignored again by the then-Republican majority.
Then, with state elections last November, the Everytown for Gun Safety Action
Fund “invested” $2.5 million to flip the legislature to Democrat control in order to
push the gun control agenda. They even bragged about it at the Everytown website.
Immediately after the election, Democrats started talking about gun control, and
the Second Amendment Sanctuary movement in Virginia was born. Sheriffs
announced they would not enforce any of the new gun control laws, and into that

mess stepped Democrat Congressman Don McEachin from Richmond, who
suggested calling up the National Guard to enforce gun laws.
While Dan Casey, writing at the Roanoke Times tried hard to dismiss the idea as
an “ill-thought-out comment,” it was an outrage in the minds of Virginia gun
owners, who recalled vividly the threat by former presidential candidate Beto
O’Rourke, “Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.”
Reference Article: https://www.libertyparkpress.com/virginia-beach-slaps-


ABOUT MARK WALTERS (in Eastern Time):
Mark Walters is a national board member of the Citizens Committee for the Right
to Keep and Bear Arms and a broadcast media spokesman for the Second
Amendment Foundation.
Recipient of the 2015 Gun Rights Defender of the Year Award, Mark Walters is a
weekly national columnist for Ammoland, and author of three books, Lessons from
Armed America with Kathy Jackson: foreword by Massad Ayoob, Lessons from
Unarmed America with Rob Pincus: foreword by Ted Nugent, and Grilling While
Mark is the host of two nationally syndicated talk radio programs, Armed
American Radio, and Armed American Radio’s Daily Defense heard on hundreds
of radio stations across the country, six days per week. In addition,
Mark has appeared on national and international radio and television on gun-
related stories and is a popular podium speaker on firearms topics.
Mark is a husband and father of two children and resides in Georgia with his


Dave Workman is an award-winning career journalist and senior editor of
TheGunMag.com (formerly Gun Week). He also writes for Liberty Park Press,
Conservative Firing Line and several firearms periodicals. He is also the
communications director for the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and
Bear Arms.
He has authored Op-Ed pieces in several major newspapers including the Chicago
Tribune, Seattle Times and Atlanta Journal-Constitution. He has also co-authored
seven books with Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation.
Workman’s beat is firearms, from politics to the outdoors. He is widely considered
an authority on firearms, concealed carry and gun politics.

Alan Gottlieb is a strong advocate of self-defense. He’s a nuclear engineering
graduate of the University of Tennessee, publisher of TheGunMag.com and
KeepAndBearArms.com, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to
Keep and Bear Arms, and Founder of the Second Amendment Foundation. He also
serves on the Board of Directors of the American Conservative Union.

The Second Amendment Foundation (www.saf.org) is the nation’s oldest and
largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing
on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. 
Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 650,000 members and
supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about
the consequences of gun control.

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